The Grand Inquisitor voice comparison

The following page compares the voices of every actor so far that has portrayed the Grand Inquisitor in the “Star Wars” universe!

Jason Isaacs

Image showing Jason side by side with the “Grand Inquisitor” in rebels

Clip of Jason’s performance:

Clip of Jason from “Star Wars Rebels”

Rupert Friend

Image showing Rupert side by side with the “Grand Inquisitor” in Obi-Wan Kenobi

Clip of Rupert’s performance:

Clip of Rupert from “Obi-Wan Kenobi”

“Orion Zaxs”

Image showing an interpretation of youtuber Orion Zaxs side by side with the “Grand Inquisitor” from Kanan: The Last Padawan

Clip of “Orion Zaxs’s” performance:

Clip of “Orion Zaxs” from “Kanan: The Last Padawan” audio comic by “Star Wars Audio Comics”