The complete “Star Wars: The Imperial Rule” script

The original Star Wars-based audio drama which I released back in the beginning of 2021 called “Star Wars: The Imperial Rule” has gained a fair amount of views and comments on YouTube and serves a very good narrative purpose for the lore. It is meant to act as connective tissue between Revenge Of The Sith and the complete rise of the empire, displaying Bail Organa’s journey as he tries to remain undercover in the senate while building a rebel alliance. The project has a sizable cast and a thrilling and engaging story and is a must-listen! If you haven’t already, be sure to give it a shot as soon as you can!

Now that it has been out for almost 2 years, this post gives you access to the full, final draft of the script. This version of the screenplay was used by the actors, editors and myself as the director. In it, you’ll be able to find all of the lines and moments that didn’t make it into the final cut or were, for a variety of reasons, slightly altered. Enjoy!

The Imperial Rule


It was a dark day for the entire galaxy. The jedi knights, who were for centuries known as the peaceful protectors and watchful guardians of the galactic republic, were exposed as traitors, plotting to take over the galaxy itself. As the chancellor of the republic stood on his senate podium, tall, dressed in a red robe with his hands wide spread in a position that represented power, he presented a masterful speech, explaining the traitorous deeds that the jedi had committed to the entire senate. He spoke of how the treasonous order had all along orchestrated the clone wars – one of the most terrible conflicts in the republic’s existence. They used the bloodshed of the war to overwhelm the chancellor with additional power, turn loyal senators against him, all to distract from their schemes to overthrow the government. As broadcasts of his powerful words played throughout the entire galaxy, from Nar Shadaa to Cato Neimodia, the disfigured politician screamed of the jedi’s attempt to assassinate him which resulted in their extinction. With what some may have claimed were tears in his eyes, he spoke of Order 66 – a command he issued to every clone soldier of the republic military to immediately execute their jedi generals without compromise. His hoarse voice filled the senate chamber with unusual certainty, as a mist of deception filled the senatorial minds, assuring them of his need to destroy the jedi order. Once he had finished explaining the elimination of any remaining jedi survivors throughout the entire galaxy, carried out by his loyal clone troopers and other special forces, the cloaked serpent began whispering of the further transformations he would make to the Galaxy’s constitution. He spoke of regional governors that would be given immense influence over planetary systems, as to assure safety. Before the senators sitting in their pods within the senate building had known it, Chancellor Palpatine of the galactic republic screamed of proclaiming himself the galaxy’s emperor for his entire lifetime, with roars of monstrous confidence. And like all puppets and marionettes do, almost each senator applauded. Whether it was a Swokes Swokes, a rodian or a Kaminoan, all those who had spent their lifetime seeking power, naively clapped at the loss of it. And so, began the tyrannical regime that covered every planet, system and corner of the galaxy. The imperial rule.



In the days that came afterwards, each planet began a complete transformation. Kashyyyk, a once free body of life, turned into a desolate graveyard for the imperial military to carry out their base of operations. Its inhabitants, the wookiees, were either eliminated or taken into prison camps across the entire galaxy, from Mimban to Garel. The snowy Nelvaan was drained of its nature and turned into a chemical laboratory for the empire to conduct their experiments in. The empire became a flame of evil that burned the world. Only a week had passed and the imperial government was already preparing another speech for the gullible crowd. This time, the one who would give it was Mas Amedda – an attendant of the emperor’s first announcement and Palpatine’s trustworthy aide, now promoted to the position of grand vizier. He was a rabid cur, not having an allegiance of his own and always sticking to whoever possessed the power. This chagrian rose through the ranks by betrayal and knowledge of where his place was. To the people of Coruscant, he seemed like an important figure. He stood proudly and confidently, with a long yellow cloak, enormous shoulder pads made of expensive leather, a powerful staff firmly placed in his right hand, his horns pointing towards the sky to show his power and his blue skin mirroring the patrol vehicles hovering around the streets. And yet, he was still a piece of furniture for the one who proclaimed himself the emperor – Sheev Palpatine. The speech did not yet begin, but Amedda was already commanding everyone around him to attend a certain tasl, to ensure his security during the announcement.

Mas Amedda

Troopers!!!! Secure the area! Scan the entire perimeter for any explosives and make sure that everything is under complete control! Governor Tarkin! Your squad will be responsible for patrolling the air. Commander Fox! Your duty is to make sure that the ground is safe! Is that understood?


Everyone replied with an obedient remark.

Commander Fox

Yes, sir! As you wish, sir!


As you instruct, your honor.


Commander Fox then spoke to his inferiors. The empire truly did work like a long chain of command.

Commander Fox

You 3! What are you waiting for? Go! Secure the perimeter as the vizier has instructed!

Clone 1

Yes, sir!


And as the clone trooper ran off to secure the perimeter, a large announcer that had been placed all around the city spoke out, its booming voice representing the empire’s might with its sound waves.

Coruscant announcer

Citizens of Coruscant. By the law of the empire, each and every single one of you is required to attend grand vizier Amedda’s speech at the imperial palace. Anyone who refuses to do so will be severely punished.


And of course, the rule was enforced.

Clone 2

You! What are you doing sitting in there? Go out and visit the ceremony!

Clone 3

Hurry up! To the ceremony, citizen!


Once most of the citizens inhabiting Coruscant were gathered at the entrance to the imperial palace, once known as the jedi temple, and the rest stood, firmly looking at the image holo-projected onto their screen, Amedda stood up, his lethorns hanging from his head.

Mas Amedda

Never again will we fear the jedi! Through the grace of our beloved emperor Palpatine, we were saved from their treachery!!!! Our great Palpatine recognized their wrongdoings and reluctantly had to execute them to protect the empire. This was a hard moment for our great leader, but he did his best. And now, the jedi are gone. He saw through their separatist plots, their lies. He survived their attempt to assassinate him and, finally, we are safe.


The crowd filled with creatures of all types, from rodians to ithorians, from pantorans to aqualish, from nuknogs to togrutas were eating up every single word the vizier fed to them.

Mas Amedda

Bring in the lightsabers. Do not fear these dangerous swords, my comrades. They used to represent the power the jedi possessed. But now they are no more than toys of a dead religion. Never again will these instruments of oppression terrorize the galaxy!!!!


With tears in his eyes, whether they were tears of joy or sadness, Amedda threw the lightsabers into a large, burning pot.

Mas Amedda

Thus, tyranny ends! Their corrupt order burns as our peaceful government rises! Rest assured, our galaxy has become flawless.


As all of the audience members smiled, jumped in joy and applauded, one stood in shock and horror. Only one knew more than the rest. Only one was disgusted by the imperial rule. Senator Bail Organa. Organa was the representative of Alderaan in the republic. Unbeknownst to many, he was an ally of what the empire claimed to me a group of terrorists known as the jedi order. During order 66, a purge which had wiped most of the jedi out, this senator saved as many as he could and gave them all a safe sanctuary. He knew more than many and knew that not a single word of this marionette, held at such a high status could be trusted.


Later on, after several hours had passed since the long speech Amedda gave to the empire, Organa was walking down the hallway of what was now the imperial senate building. He was devastated, his mind burning with anger, sadness and desperation. Suddenly, another senator came towards him. It was Lott Dod of the trade federation. A corrupt politician who aided the group known as the confederacy of independent systems, while remaining part of the galactic republic. He wore an expensive suit and a rather large, oval-shaped hat. He was a neimodian – a greedy alien race with green screen and fire-like red eyes.

Lott Dod

Organa. A long time has passed since the 2 of us have had a conversation. But, as you know, this new regime cannot be ignored. You know, just as well as I do, that the factions we represent will now crumble under Palpatine’s iron fist. After the death of Nute Gunray and the new taxes put on the trade federation by Sly Moore, I can no longer hold my organization in one piece. Alderaan will soon follow. You understand that as well as I do. Why stand here and do nothing? You hold quite a prominent position within this new senate, please suggest an alternative to Amedda.

Bail Organa

Senator. Going against the Emperor, even with simple words, is an extremely dangerous move. This new senate is a simple illusion. We are pawns, only in there for a time to please the community. One by one, we will be taken off the field until only people like Tarkin or Yularen will remain in power. I am not willing to risk the safety of myself and my people for your benefit, Dod. You must remember that you are nowhere near to being a bright angel. You knew perfectly well of the horrors going on on senator Amidala’s planet and yet covered up for Gunray. Baron Papanoida’s daughters were held prisoner under your orders and, once you were exposed, you shed your skin, putting all of the blame on Sib Canay and his little assistant. You are a greedy, filthy abomination and deserve whatever the empire does to you.


With these words, Organa turned his back on the greedy senator and walked off into his office.

Lott Dod

Damn you, Organa.


As the office door closed, Organa clicked a few buttons on a holo-projector of his and a hologram of his wife Breha appeared. Organa had been away from his homeworld of Alderaan for a few days, therefore it was crucial for him to know the situation.

Bail Organa

What is the situation on Alderaan?

Breha Organa

We are surviving. But the news of this imperial reformation started many revolts. We need you here Bail. There are rumors that protesters will attack the palace to punish us for supporting this imperial rule.

Bail Organa

I cannot leave Coruscant. Amedda wants me to turn into a machine made for spitting out imperial propaganda. Him and the Emperor are very persuasive. But I promise. No one will hurt you.

Breha Organa

Why are you still doing as Palpatine says? Why are you not rebelling against his disgusting power?

Bail Organa

I was actually asked that exact same question just a minute earlier. But you do not understand what kind of ability that old sorcerer wields. Whoever dares oppose him openly will disappear without a trace. And my departure from this world will only serve as an excuse for this empire to continue its reign of terror.

Breha Organa

But there’s still an opportunity to fight. Why oppose him openly? Why not organize a completely secret team of sympathizers to put obstacles into this tyrant’s path?

Bail Organa

It is far too difficult to know who can be trusted. Even before this dark era came to be, our senate was full of greedy and squabbling delegates. Now, all of them have become Palpatine’s eyes and ears.

Breha Organa

But there are so many we can trust. Surely senator Mothma or senator Zar or even senator Tills are worthy of being our strongest supporters?

Bail Organa

A rebellion cannot be built on less than a dozen of people.

Breha Organa

No, it can, Bail! You are just frightened! Every noble cause starts with a small selection of individuals. But over time they grow and their message causes others to aid them until they achieve their goal and return hope into a dark world. Surely you do not want Leia to live under the imperial flag until her last breath.


This sentence finally struck Organa. He remembered a daughter he had adopted just a few days ago. Her wonderful eyes, her hopeful looks.

Bail Organa

I most certainly do not. Fine. I will contact my informant and ask him for information regarding who can be trusted. Goodbye, Breha.

Breha Organa

Goodbye Bail.


As the hologram disappeared, Bail took a heavy breath and sat down into his chair. He knew that creating a rebellion is a terribly risky move but, alas, a necessary one. After taking a sip of joganfruit juice, he stood up again and began preparations to contact his secret informant. Unlike his wife, this was a client whose presence insisted on total and complete secrecy. Organa pressed a button on a remote control and walls of sound-proof material completely engulfed the office. After double checking each security measure, the senator finally called his mysterious source.


Secret, is this transmission?


I took every single possible precaution. Our communication is fully coded.


Good. Make sure we must that no way there is for the empire to trace me. For, if detected my presence is, fail in my primary objective I will. Allow such a turn of events to happen, we cannot! How goes the situation on Coruscant?


Terrible. The people seem to be in full support of this absurd dictatorship. Those who are not mysteriously vanish.


Consumed by the dark side this world has become. Through our arrogance, achieved complete victory the sith have. Yet sense I do that a hope there still is. Alone in this fight you and I are not. Many allies we have. Powerful they may be. But spread throughout the outer rim and the unknown regions they are.

Bail Organa

You believe we should recruit them?


Perhaps our only chance to change the tide of this war it is.

Bail Organa

Do you seriously think it would be wise to organize a rebellion?


In secret, it must be done. But swiftly we must act. For if wait even a month longer we do, too far the empire’s reign will spread.

Bail Organa

But how do I know who to trust? This new society is full of spies.


You will know. Trust your feelings you must Organa, and know who to trust you will.

Bail Organa

But I am not a jedi, master.


The force resigns in every living creature. A jedi you do not have to be to feel it within you.


This phrase by Organa’s jedi ally was rather confusing. How could Organa know who could and could not be trusted?


But help you I will. Give you a list of strong sympathizers I will tomorrow. Enemies of this ruthless system. Recruit them you can. A new hope there still may be.

Bail Organa

Thank you master. May the force be with you.


The hologram turned off. Yet Organa was still extremely uncertain of what to do. He wasn’t confident enough to lead a rebellion and didn’t wish to endanger himself or his family in any way. As he flew a speeder towards his home, he was still very doubtful of whether what his wife and supporter were suggesting was wise. Even while unfreezing the nuna drumsticks in his house for dinner, he remained very skeptical of such a rush tactic. When he almost made his mind, the doorbell rang.

Bail Organa

I don’t believe I’ve made your acquaintance.

Moff Corakle

I am Moff Corakle of Coruscant. I am here to make sure that you are following every new regulation set by Vizier Amedda last week.

Bail Organa

And why, may I ask, are you invading my personal space and have decided to arrive at my house so late in the evening?

Moff Corakle

Well, there are many ways to interpret that question. If your key concern is why I arrived to your home and not your senate office, I am surprised at the level of your ignorance. Amedda’s 30 commandments clearly had to do completely with how the places of senators’ living are organized. I cannot simply take your word that you are following these orders. I arrived to check personally.

Bail Organa

With all due respect, your requests are non-sensical. This is not my place of work. What right does the Vizier have to tell me how to set up my own home?

Moff Corakle

It is all very simple senator. Even though no ordinary citizen will check your house, it is important for them to know that the environment we live in is secure. That every senator has a standard of living in which nothing can be hidden from the civilian population. The last thing our community wants is another clone war. A repetition of the treasonous affairs carried out by the deceased jedi knights. It is most important that the emperor and our city knows they can trust you, Organa. I hope that is more than enough to answer your question.

Bail Organa

It is, governor. And what exactly do the commandments require me to do?

Moff Corakle

I’m shocked at your delusional behavior, representative. I do not believe I will have to explain myself for the 4thtime, but alas, I’m afraid I will. The order released by Grand Vizier Amedda of the galactic empire requires every member of the imperial senate to possess a home without any shelves or cupboards as to limit the amount of places where a dangerous weapon or information source can be hidden. Every item in the house has to be displayed clearly for the weekly inspection in one room. There is also to be a clear list of any and all conversations every member of the house has had over the week that must be updated after every discussion with a family member, friend or another visitor. Any attempt to resist this fair set of requests will result in a charge of sedition and a public execution on the imperial plaza to prevent any danger in our ideal galaxy. Good day, senator.


On that threatening note, Moff Corakle left the house of senator Organa. This was the final straw. Organa knew – he had to rebel. Otherwise, the entire world would be consumed by the dark side and every single citizen would be enslaved. On the very next day he secretly met with a handful of anti-imperial senators in a dark corner of the senate hallway. In secret, he gave every one of his fellow colleagues a piece of paper with information about the rebellion he was about to form.

Bail Organa

Senators. I would kindly like to ask you to read this instruction and follow it very carefully. And do not tell anyone else I gave you this or let anyone see it.


Most of those senators were wise enough to simply nod their heads. However, an obese twilek senator by the name of Orn Free Taa would not agree. He wore a large brown dress with various flower-like patterns and had an extremely fat and spherical head with a rather enormous, triple chin. He wasn’t evil by nature, but rather misguided by the corruption that had long ago been planted within the republic. From his head hung 2 lekku – long pieces of flesh that were native to the biology of his species.

Orn Free Taa

Organa! So, you’re telling me you want us to confront the imperial regime?!!


It was obvious to Organa now that Taa was a dangerous senator. He could easily expose all of them.

Orn Free Taa

That is treason of the worst kind! How can we go against someone who saved us from being slaves to an evil cult?


Taa’s claims were opposed by another rather nice senator – Chi Eekway. A rather soft-speaking girl, this senator was the daughter of Baron Papanoida.

Chi Eekway

Senator. Please be quieter. We must not be heard.

Orn Free Taa

Oh, no! We must be heard. I am heading for the quarters of Moff Corakle himself. I will tell him all about this!

Bail Organa

Orn. You must understand. We are not doing this to cause any war or blood. We are acting in secret only to make sure that others don’t misunderstand us. Our protests are completely peaceful and will simply recommend change and not force it onto anyone. You warning the Moff would cause us to get arrested. We are not terrorists, we are loyalists.

Orn Free Taa

Fine. I will keep this a little secret. But only while you do not make some rash, stupid decision.

Mon Mothma

Thank you, senator.


And so began the formation of what would become the greatest of the empire’s threats. The very next day, all of the senators who received an invitation secretly crept into an apartemtn near Organa’s home. The meeting was completely held in secret. All the senators knew the risks. If they were caught, an execution would happen in the very next hour.

Bail Organa

I have gathered all of you here because it is important to understand that the Emperor’s current actions are unacceptable and must be punished. I know all of you agree with me and demand change. Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to protest openly without getting decapitated in public or mysteriously vanishing. Thus, we must organize a secret commitee.

Giddean Danu

Are you suggesting we hide from the emperor in plain sight? We are senators, Organa. We are always watched upon. Your idea is doomed from the start.


Said Giddean Danu, the senator who always took every necessary precaution. He wore a rather cylindrical hat of white and black colour as well as a robe of the 2 colours.

Bail Organa

I know many of you may not believe in this concept. Neither did I. But we cannot continue living in this era without acting out our ideas.

Banna Breemu

We must believe in the best. Each of us must remain hopeful. Maybe the empire will improve.


Said Bana Breemu – the senator who was always hoping for the best. She had tilted, dark eyes and wore an extremely attractive purple dress made of soft material with a purple hood covering her dark hair.

Mon Mothma

Perhaps. But we cannot risk the chance that it will not. We must do something.


Said Mon Mothma. She was Bail’s largest supporter for a long time. She wore a white outfit with a crown-like decoration on her red hair. She was kind, soft spoken but also rather serious when it came to political matters.

Bail Organa

If any of you are unsure about this noble cause we are carrying out, we are not holding you. You may leave now. But please, understand how important all of this is to us and keep it a secret. Thank you.


Senators Ask Aak, Edcel Bar Gane, Tundra Dowmeia and Zinn Paulness stood up from their comfortable chairs, bowed to the others and left the room.

Bail Organa

Now that everyone who is sure of this mission is remaining, let me create several rules for all our sakes. It is not allowed for any member of this committee to enact treason and reveal any disclosed information to imperial representatives. I beg you to understand why this is so important for our lives and not fall to their level by telling about this to anyone. No family members or friends must know.

Bana Breemu

Do not worry senator. We will never betray you. That would mean betraying ourselves.

Bail Organa

Thank you, senator. It is also key to understand that we are acting in secret. No open protests are allowed. They could leave a trail exposing all of us.

Giddean Danu

Openly protesting is a foolish act. We are not idiots.

Fang Zar

But surely someone like the emperor is extremely hard to oppose. How will we start bringing our ideas to fruition?


Said Fang Zar. A rather funny looking senator with an extremely long beard, clothing that resembled a pink bathrobe, a pigtail on his head and two wrinkles beneath his eyes.

Mon Mothma

We will start by secretly attaching posters explaining our point of view to every single wall on Coruscant. We will have to do it over one night to create the largest effect.

Meena Tills

Senator. Coruscant may be a city but it is far too enormous to fully surround with papers. We need at least a billion members attaching 20 posters in a second to do such a thing.


Said Meena Tills – a Mon Calamari senator from the aquatic world of Mon Cala. He had a large fish-like mouth, two enormous eyes on each side of his head and wore a grey cloak.

Bail Organa

Which is exactly why we will get those billion members as allies before we do anything else.

Dewell Bronk

Billion? Ridiculous!


Said the walrus-like senator Dewell Bronk.

Bail Organa

It may seem so on the surface. But please rmember that we will assemble members from many different worlds. Not just Coruscant.

Meena Tills

Then we must proceed with the operation immediately. If we are to start with this poster mission, we must make sure to assemble our community as quickly as possible.

Fang Zar

But surely there must be a more serious way to handle the situation than simple posters.

Mon Mothma

There always has to be a simple starting point, senator Zar.

Bail Organa

May the f…


Organa stopped. He realized that he almost made a critical error. He was about to say the famous jedi saying. But despite these senators being trustworthy friends, they could easily turn on him if he mentioned being affiliated with the jedi religion. After all, over these many years, even these senators were deceived by the emperor’s clever seduction of their minds. Acting with desperate speed, Organa changed his words.

Bail Organa

May the future bless our goal.


After all the senators bowed and went away, Mon Mothma returned.

Mon Mothma

You were about to say may the force be with you. Why did you not?

Bail Organa

They are all good people. They hate the empire just as I do. But many of them do believe Palpatine’s lie. Many of them still think that the jedi are monstrous creatures. They will consider me a terrorist if I give any sign of a connection to that religion. For now, the jedi are to be kept out of this.


Mothma sighed and understood. Organa left and returned to his home, once again ensuring that every window, door and wall was barred with sound-proof layers and calling his informant via a hologram.

Bail Organa

I have just closed our first meeting.

Yoda: Trust these senators, do you?

Bail Organa: I do not trust them to support the jedi. But I do believe they are all willing to fight against the imperial rule.

Yoda: Very good. Very good.

Bail Organa: I now require the list of supporters you promised to give so that I can proceed with the operation.

Yoda: Through the force and my connections, managed to gather trustworthy data I did. Your first recruit – the nightbrother Eremin he is.

Bail Organa: A member of that vile, brutal clan!!? The nightbrothers are savages, their whole life Is full of wars and fighting. They will not support our secret actions.

Yoda: Of the usual dathomirians you speak, yes. But this particular member of the village – banished he was. Supported violence he did not. Too soft for the zabrak nature he turned out to be. And yet, despises the empire he does. Easy to convince him to join this alliance it will be.

Bail Organa: Where can I find him?


An outcast he is. Lives in the middle of the dathomirian forest, far away from both the nighbrothers and the nightsisters he does. Unknown to me his precise location is. But promise you I do, that guide you to his sanctuary, the force will.


Bail was creeped out by the mere thought of going to the planet Dathomir and seeking out a nightbrother. But he knew that his secret agent was a reliable source of data. And so, under the lie of visiting his family on Alderaan, he flew away from Coruscant and towards the red skies of Dathomir. The planet was full of red fog and the ground was like a sea of blood. The forests were unlike anything ever seen before. The trees had no leaves. The branches were as sharp as needles. Organa shivered being alone in such a dangerous place, where every plant could eat you. But he went on, stomping through the red swamps and further away from his ship.

Bail Organa

Eremin!!!! Come out!!!!! I know that you are here!!!!! There is no time to play a game!!!!!! I have come here to bargain!!!!


From everywhere around him, an echo came.


Do you really think that I am a negotiator, imperial?

Bail Organa

I was told so.


Your source has made a critical error. I do not discuss anything with anyone.

Bail Organa

Not with the empire. Not with those who inflict chaos and war upon a stable galaxy. But perhaps you will consider a polite conversation with those who wish to free the galaxy of suffering without causing a single drop of blood.


You are not an imperial. You come to a dangerous place alone and without any proper equipment. You do not attempt to defend yourself in case of an attack. Who are you?

Bail Organa

I am a guardian. A guardian of the galaxy’s previous state. One who wishes to return it to what it used to be.


And why would you seek me?

Bail Organa

Because your relationship with the empire is most horrid.

Eremin (roaring very, very loudly)

Far worse than that. (not roaring anymore) Your vocabulary is an understatement.

Bail Organa

Which only proves that you are important to an alliance of peacekeepers I am building.


I do not work in groups, rebel. I have come here, to the depths of the forest to seek complete and total isolation. To become more powerful than ever before simply by living alone. Far from society. Far from civilization. I was at last at peace. Until I heard your footsteps. Your very presence filled this place with poison. You have disturbed me. I will not join any cults or tribes of yours, senator, no matter how much I agree with your motivation.

Bail Organa

I understand you. I never wanted to be a representative of Alderaan. Never wanted to spend days and nights in meetings, discussing difficult matters. But after I saw what I could do to make my world better, I realized I could not just stand when I….


Suddenly, the nightbrother Eremin came out of hiding. Due to long years of isolation, his horns had grown and turned into antlers. His tunic had been torn and turned yellow from the material rotting. His skin turned from yellow to brown.


Do you really think a stereotypical motivational speech will sway me? I have survived horrors you have never even imagined existed. I know myself fully and do not need your persuasion.


Organa knew his current trail of thought would not work. He changed the means of achieving his objective.

Bail Organa

Then we have lost. The empire’s flag is above the sky. Their victory is total. It was a fool’s hope to count on you. The galaxy is doomed to be crushed.


But Eremin was still certain in himself.


Indeed it is.


With disappointment in his sould at not being able to recruit a most important ally, Organa sat back into his ship, departed from the red world and arrived back at Coruscant with the imperial blockade surrounding the planet.

Bail Organa

This is Bail Organa. Requesting permission for the blockade to be opened.

Moff Corakle (through comlink)

Organa! Nice to see you back. If I may ask you, may you please stop at my office for a little while before heading to your quarters? There are some serious matters I wish to discuss.


Organa shivered. Could this be his end? Could the old moff have discovered his secret mission? Some part of him wanted to ignore the moff’s words and head back to the office. But he knew that such a disobedience would only label him a criminal. So, with fear that felt like a dozen kouhuns crawling around his head, Organa headed towards Moff Corakle’s office. The moff chose to put his working quarters into a building that once belonged to Ziro The Hutt. Ziro was a gangster with a terrible lot of wealth. Ever since his passing, the club he owned was left uncared for and attended until the moff had taken it over and turned it into an imperial building.

Moff Corakle

Do you like this place? I specifically chose it as a metaphor for what our empire is aiming to achieve. Replace every place of injustice, chaos and evil with peace, stability and understanding. All gangsters will fall. All rebels will fall. The world will be perfect.


Organa was silent.

Moff Corakle

Why, senator, please take a seat.

Moff Corakle

And now to the matter at hand. Where were you for the last couple of hours?

Bail Organa

I already told you. I returned to Alderaan to oversee which supplies are to be brought into the capital and which may be dangerous.

Moff Corakle: That’s a wonderful story but an obvious lie.

Bail Organa

What do you mean?

Moff Corakle

I mean that you clearly did not go to Alderaan. I have my people located throughout the entire city. None of them saw you there or on the capital’s border. Where were you?


Organa knew that continuing would be useless. But revealing his rebellious nature would be a death sentence. So he decided to choose another thing to shame himself with.

Bail Organa

I went to Canto Bight. To gamble with some old friends.

Moff Corakle

What a disappointment. In the old days I looked up to you. As an honorable human being, as the embodiment of truth and justice. But it seems you simply put on a mask. In reality, you are a treacherous coward. I’m afraid you have disobeyed law 3456 which clearly states that not a single senator is to visit a casino or gamble. You will have to be placed on trial.


Corakle’s last words hit Bail like an electric shock within a booma. This is what he fought against. Being placed on trial would mean he would be imprisoned, his family would be overthrown and forced to starve, his secret contacts discovered and his rebel alliance splintered. As electricals handcuffs were placed on to the senator and several clones came in to escort him, the news were relayed all the wy to the very top. To the office of Emperor Palpatine himself. Inside the central tower of the imperial palace, formerly known as the jedi temple, the grand vizier Mas Amedda ran towards an enormous throne that was faced towards the window. The vizier bowed and said….

Mas Amedda

My emperor. I bring an important report. Senator Organa has been placed on trial by moff Corakle.


Slowly, the mighty emperor turned his throne around to face the vizier, revealing his despicable face. A face surrounded by the nature of the dark side. A face made up of bones and wrinkles with frail and old, white and pale skin, hanging like a sack of baby rathtars. His eyes were so full of hatred, anger and devilish nature that they could glow in the dark. He now wore a dark cloak. Or perhaps it was not a cloak. Perhaps it was the mist of terror that surrounded his soul and covered his face with a hood of pure dark power.


How did you let this unfortunate turn of events take place?

Mas Amedda

I… do not understand. You clearly stated Organa was a dangerous pawn. One who does not follow the rules of the game. And yet now you are disappointed by him being wiped off the dejarik board.


Organa is indeed a dangerous enemy. But there is a very blurred line between enemy and tool. Organa’s persistence to achieve his goal would play into our hands. The foolish senator would assemble every enemy we have in this entire galaxy into one team. And once he would have done so, we would dispose of all of them leaving the galaxy with no opposition to our cause in the slightest.

Mas Amedda

I will make sure that Organa is not brought to trial.


No! His trial is now unavoidable. If it is stopped, he will suspect a meddling on my behalf and change the way he plays our game. That cannot be allowed to happen. He is to be brought to trial, he is to be sentenced to prison and to be freed by one of his powerful senate friends. Only in that scenario, Organa will continue carrying out his foolish crusade fo justice and do our work for us.

Mas Amedda

So, you are suggesting we make Organa feel like he really is being accused of something and then let him out using one of his supporters?


Indeed. It is the only way.

Mas Amedda

I shall organize it immediately.


And one more thing, Amedda. This Moff Corakle will not stop in destroying our progress. Would it be possible for his speeder to accidentally malfunction and for him to meet a tragic end?

Mas Amedda

I will organize it immediately.


Amedda ran off and the emperor slowly turned his throne back around to face the window, overseeing the suffering that his empire is causing.


And so, everything transpired exactly as the emperor had planned. Organa was brought to trial, convicted of treason and brought into the imperial prison facility by 2 clone troopers.

Clone guard 1

Get moving, you traitor.

Clone Guard 2

Into the cell!

Bail Organa

There is no need to rush me. I am not offering any resistance.

Clone guard 1

Quiet! Disgusting traitors don’t deserve the right to speak.

Clone guard 2

Get into the cell! And rot in it as soon as possible.


Organa was pushed inside a cell, barred by transparent orange layers of energy. Escape from here was considered impossible as there was a long fall that awaited anyone who would manage to break through the energy bar. Inside his cell, there were 2 other people. One was an orange phindian wih a large head that looked like a cone, 2 very unsettling eyes and a curved mouth. He went by the name of Moralo Eval. Another was a mad scientist and former separatist by the name of Nuvo Vindi. He had an elongated, oval head with long eyes and a crazy attitude.

Moralo Eval

I’ve heard about you.


Eval said.

Moralo Eval

You’re the senator who sold his own freedom for a golden coin. I must say, you have quite the bravery to do such a thing. Or the foolishness.

Nuvo Vindi

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!! Ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye!!!!


Said the mad Nuvo Vindi.

Bail Organa

Surprising that you are here. Captain Typho told me that you were being kept in a prison in Theed.

Nuvo Vindi

Ye ye ye ye ye ye ye! However, Moff Panaka convinced Tarkin that Naboo’s security is not advanced enough to restrain a scientist of my caliber.

Moralo Eval

So. How long are you staying with us, senator?

Bail Organa

I do not know.


And just at that moment, a clone flew towards the cell on his pod.

Clone troopers 5

Organa. You are being released.

Clone troopers 3

Come on out! We don’t want to waste all day escorting you out.


Organa was stunned. He was sure that this was the end. That there would be no mercy. How could this be?

Bail Organa

Why am I being let go?

Clone trooper 4

Senator Free Taa payed quite the ransom to let you out. Negotiated the entire day. Ultimately, Governor Tarkin agreed to his terms.


Not only was Bail shocked by his sudden liberation, he was even more amazed by the fact that it was the loyal imperial Orn Free Taa who was about to let him out. As Organa walked out of the prison building, the fat twi’lek was there to greet him, in all his might and glory.

Orn Free Taa

Senator Organa! I am so glad to see that you are safe! Please take a seat in my speeder. I will take you to your quarters.

Bail Organa

Thank you, senator.


As the speeder departed from the landing platform, Orn Free Taa whispered…

Orn Free Taa

You were right senator. The empire is evil. It is corrupt. I refused to believe it at first. But I knew that you are not a criminal. Your trial proved that Palpatine is not interested in order. He disguises chaos as it. I do not wish to be a part of this empire any longer. I am part of your alliance.


But the tables had truned. This trauma had caused Organa to reconsider his plans.

Bail Organa

I don’t know if the alliance can exist anymore after what has happened to me today. The risk has grown immensely.

Orn Free Taa

But you cannot give up!

Bail Organa

Perhaps I must. For the safety of our community. Maybe the rebellion Is just a fool’s hope.


As the speeder landed at the entrance to Organa’s home, a blue senate guard approached.

Security guard

Senator Organa. Emperor Palpatine has requested your presence immediately in his chambers.


This one phrase reinstated all of Organa’s fears. He knew the kind of manipulative, disgusting, vile creature that Sheev Palpatine was. Being summoned to his chambers was either a death sentence or a deception. What made Bail fear Palpatine the most was how unpreditable the old skeleton was. Organa did not even slightly suspect what awaited him. Nevertheless, he went into the imperial palace. As he walked down the massive hallway, he saw the thousands of grand and beautiful jedi statues shattered as a means to end the jedi architecture. Replaced with filthy replicas of what the empror used to look like before his deformation. As the doors slid open, organa saw the dark wizard. He sat in his throne, his bones decaying with the sheer pressure of his evil nature, his eyes burning like a flame of twisted psychology, his mouth so dry it could explode into tiny fragments any second. But the worst of all was this old man’s wicked smile.


Ah! Organa! At last. I was extremely worried when the news of your imprisonment came to my attention. I am thankful to senator Free Taa for securing your release. You have been a loyal servant for a long time and I could not allow you to be labeled a traitor.

Bail Organa

Why did you summon me, my Emperor?


After a moment of silence the disgusting tyrant stood up from his throne, his bones cracking. He used the dark side of the force to summon his cane from the corner of the room to his head. He hunched down as he walked towards Organa with an unusual expression.


I simply wished to offer a sincere apology for allowing you to be put into the imperial prison. I know you from long before the clone war and you would never go against the senate. You are a loyal and obedient, compassionate person. Although we often did not agree on certain matters, we always respected each other and had polite conversations. I still believe that we are friends.

Bail Organa

I do not see any need for you to apologize, your majesty.


Of course there is no need to apologize for me. I did my best to persuade the judges to lift all charges but democracy still remains. I apologize primarily on behalf of Moff Corakle. That fool has been dealt with.

Bail Organa

You orchestrated his passing?


No! Of course I did not. But it seems like fate itself was compassionate enough to do you justice. Corakle has died in a tragic accident.

Bail Organa

I regret what has occurred to Moff Corakle. Do I have your permission to leave, my emperor? I do not wish to disturb you from any important business.


Suddenly, Palpatine burst out into his demonic cackle, laughing with the crippled vocal cords within his throat. This insidious laugh was of sadistic joy and the pure sound of it caused Organa to want to leave.


In truth Organa, I have none. Paperwork, negotiations, communications – they are all but illusions to keep this society from falling apart. The apology is not the only reason I have summoned you here.

Bail Organa

What else is it that concerns you?


I have spent many days considering who to choose for this task. But after every hour of meditation, you were the only choice I arrived at. You have a great sense of loyalty and responsibility towards the cause you know to be right. Unlike so many others, you cannot be swayed to betray our empire or choose another side. You are the best choice by far. Therefore I am appointing you to be my 4th most important assistant. Straight after Sly Moore and Vizier Amedda.


Organa was speechless. He was grateful that the emperor was too overconfident and did not sense the treason right beyond his nose but was unsure of whether he should accept such power within the very government he is attempting to wipe out.


Your duty will be to complete several tasks. You must be able to communicate with other senators and ask them what they think could be improved on in this society. I must know how to make the empire comfortable for everyone. But that is not all. I will also assign you as assistant to Inspector Tan Divo. There are rumors of a terroristic rebel cause growing within this very senate. We cannot let everything we have worked so hard to achieve to crumble. We must not let this safe and protected government to turn into a machine of terror. Your task will be to aid the inspector in seeking out these rebels and bringing them to justice before the galaxy.


A brilliant yet incredibly dangerous plan began forming within Organa’s mind. Refusing the emperor’s offers was a foolish notion. Instead, Organa could accept the position. Use his high rank within the empire and his aid to the inspector as an opportunity to learn secret information and lead the empire down a flase trail. This was an incredible chance.

Bail Organa

Thank you, my Emperor. When do I begin?




The doors slid open. In walked Inspector Tan Divo – an obnoxious investigator with a rather obese stomach, an incredibly round head, enormous eyes a rather nasty and high pitched voice. He wore an incredibly formal suit and walked around proudly, yet somewhat resembled a chicken as he went around.


Senator Organa. I remember you. Last time we met I was investigating the cause of the death of rodian senator Onaconda Farr. And you and senator Amidala did everything in your power to mess up my investigation. Be thankful that I was capable of recognizing the correct killer in Lolo Purs, otherwise you two would have put someone innocent like that old kaminoan senator behind bars for literally no reason.


Of course, everything was the opposite way round. Suddenly, Palpatine spoke up.


Inspector. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior towards one of my most trusted helpers.


Apologies, my Emperor.


Tan Divo waved to Organa, giving a sign to follow him and the 2 exited the throne room.

Bail Organa

What will we start our investigation with?


How about this? You go back to your home and relax, do nothing. I’ll do everything myself and tell our emperor you did all the hard work.

Bail Organa

With all due respect, our emperor assigned both of us to this task.


In that case, let us both have some rest and start solving the mystery in 2 days.

Bail Organa

So be it, inspector.


As the 2 companions walked apart, Organa went back into his house. The next day, the second ever rebel meeting took place. Unsurprisingly, Organa’s trial did not please the others.

Meena Tills

You assured us that this alliance would be safe for everyone involved as long as we were careful not to reveal anything. We kept our end of the deal and yet you just had to sneak out of the planet and reveal yourself. Admit it Organa, you failed us. The rebellion is finished.

Bail Organa

So I believed, my good friend. But I assure you, the situation played out in our extreme favour. I spoke with the Emperor himself and he completely trusts me. My act did not create suspicions inside that old Klatooinian paddy frog’s head but rather convinced him that I was an angel. A target for overconfident imperials to aim at when they are bored. He does not even consider the possibility that I am involved with any kind of movement.

Fang Zar

But you were in court. And the Emperor is wise. Surely he must have suspected something.

Bail Organa

Palpatine’s wisdom is limited. His overconfidence is not. He understands all about the unfair system he has built but he intentionally does not correct it as its absurd nature amuses him. When I was arrested, he assumed I was innocent and was simply a victim of the regime he himself built but did not stop the trial for his own entertainment. My liberation is not something he was involved with but something he knew would immediately happen. In fact, our foolish dictator trusted me enough to give me an extremely important assignment. An assignment that will only aid the success of our mission. I will be supervising a mission in investigating any anti-imperial rebel activity. This places me in a position where I can lead the empire down a false trail as well as learn more of their strategies.

Dewell Bronk

Alright. But you still must be careful senator. We cannot allow a single wrong step.

Bail Organa

Do not worry. I will be cautious.

Bana Breemu

Will we continue assembling allies until we are capable of throwing posters around in one day?

Bail Organa

Indeed. Our strategy will not be altered.


Unexpectedly, Senator Bana Breemu’s attitude changed like a flip of a coin and she became enraged.

Bana Breemu

But that method will get us nowhere! Each day we spend slowly growing, the empire’s oppression will rapidly increase like a parasite. Each day people will be enslaved, suffer, die, while we seat slowly and create minor changes. We are acting the same way the senate did in Valorum’s days! We must forget about the fact we are smaller in numbers and strike on the empire’s leaders with a swift attack. A physical blow that will destroy them once and for all and end this nightmare of a life!

Bail Organa

What you are suggesting here is suicide! NO! We either act my way or we do not rebel at all and let the galaxy burn.


Upset, Bana Breemu sat back onto the couch and waited for the meeting to be over. Later, in the evening, Organa once again called his secret source.

Bail Organa



Senator Organa. Heard of your trial I did. To see you free, brings warmth to my heart. Of the Emperor’s reaction do you know?


Organa once again told of the recent events.


Hm. Very hard to understand The Emperor’s position here, it is. A spider, Darth Sidious is. Let this serpent’s tongue consume you, you must not! To a dark place his offer may lead you. Great care you must take!

Bail Organa

I understand. Do you have a suggestion as to who I can recruit next?


Several former separatist leaders. Rescue them from prisons you may. Do it stealthilly but quickly you must.

Bail Organa

I cannot believe it has come to us fighting alongside enemies we once attempted to destroy.


Yes. But perhaps wiser than us some of them were. Consumed by arrogance we were. But always saw the republic’s faults, the fair separatist leaders did. Fighting against Sidious and the sith, they were. Saved us from order 66 they could have. But, blindly, we attempted to stop them. The bricks the empire is made of, parts of our failure they are.

Bail Organa

I understand now. The separatists have always fought against the republic. The republic is now the empire, which we are fighting. An enemy of my enemy is my friend. And what are the names of these separatists leaders? I remember master Kenobi reported every single major leader was killed on Mustafar.


By prison, survived that fate some did. Whoarm Loathsom – a general Obi-Wan fought on Christophsis. In the imperial prison on that planet he is. Disguise his rescue as part of your investigation, you might. Lok Durd – a neimodian who invaded the lurmen village. Put by Skywalker into a republic base on the moon of Rugosa he was. TA-175. A tactical droid who served Wat Tambor during the battle of Ryloth he is. Still in hiding on the planet Orto. Very fair all of those former warriors are. Danger, they will not cause. Guarantee that, I do.

Bail Organa

I trust you. I would also like to point out one name that was given to me by Bana Breemu, though unintentionally. She mentioned Palpatine’s predecessor, Chancellor Valorum. I am certain that a man such as Finis despises the regime our galaxy has been put in. I will travel to his quarters as if it is part of my assignment and recruit him to our cause. After all, he was once removed from the senate by a vote of no confidence that originated from Queen Amidala. But I am certain Palpatine pulled some strings to make it happen.


On good terms with Valorum, I once was. A worthy ally he will very likely become. If recruit him you will, forget about his former assistant Sei Taria, you must not. Unlike Amedda, remained loyal to the republic’s structure she did. Protesting against Palpatine’s rise to power she was and forced to abandon the senate. In our arrogance, ignored her situation we did. Wrong we were.

Bail Organa



After a long sleep, Organa woke up to the sound of very loud knocking on his door. He opened it up and saw the most unpleasant appearance of Inspector Tan Divo.

Tan Divo

Senator Organa. Did you have quite enough time to sleep? I thought you wanted to fulfill the mission the Emperor gave us, did you not? Or were you dreaming of building a starship out of a dead Toydarian’s wings or something else ridiculous like that?

Bail Organa

How long have you been standing outside my doorway, Inspector?

Tan Divo

The entire morning, actually. Instead of doing my job, I was here waiting for you to wake up. Almost thought I’d have to attend another funeral. What worse, you have all your doors locked up with some stupid sound-proof material. If I didn’t know any better, I would dare say you are involved with this rebellion that we are investigating.


Inside, this remark made Organa smirk. After putting on his more war-like outfit, the senator went towards the inspector and his several blue police droids.

Bail Organa

All right. I am ready to begin.

Tan Divo

Finally! How in time! An entire 6 hours late! Now, let’s go before the emperor thinks these rebels killed us, whoever they are.

Bail Organa

To start off, why does our emperor even think there is a rebellion?

Tan Divo

While you have been spending time resting in your expensive bed, I have been doing some research. And I was able to discover that there are some senators who are against the emperor’s rule and have been speaking out. Now, obviously, they haven’t openly admitted it or rebelled in any way just yet. Our task is to make sure that they do not by digging up or fabricating their dark deeds.


Organa remembered that he needed to somehow secretly recruit 4 allies to his cause during the period of this investigation. Using the inspector’s stupidity to his advantage, he began weaving a web of deception as he went along.

Bail Organa

Well, I think you are very mistaken, Inspector. I have not been resting on my bed. Rather, I have been spending time researching any rebel activity and have been able to find much more than you did.

Tan Divo


Bail Organa


Bail Organa

I have discovered that a rebel recently attempted to recruit Finis Valorum to his cause. As a loyal imperialist, Valorum wrote a complaint to the senate but his message was intercepted by an unidentified person on the planet of Christophsis.

Tan Divo

So you are suggesting we go to Valorum, then travel all the way to Christophsis and then capture a single rebel?

Bail Organa



Well, since we both have got nothing better to do, we might as well try.


2 ticks in the checklist already. They would visit Valorum and Organa would be able to recruit him. They would visit Christophsis where Organa would liberate Whoarm loathsome. All due to some fantasy he made up that the inspector was foolish enough to believe. They arrived at the apartments of Valorum – the former chancellor who Palpatine replaced. Valorum walked with extreme grace and nobleness. He wore a shiny blue suit that much resembled the old era during his rule and had great grey hair.

Finis Valorum

How may I be of service, Inspector Divo?


You may want to step away and let me check your main electronic device to see how the transmission you claimed to have sent to the empire was intercepted.

Finis Valorum

But I…

Bail Organa

Perhaps it would be for the better if I spoke with Valorum while you investigate his quarters, Inspector?


Seems like a great idea!


The inspector walked away. Rapidly, Organa began explaining his rebel organization to Valorum.

Finis Valorum

Look. Organa. I have no understanding of…

Bail Organa

We haven’t got much time. I am assembling an alliance of people capable of protesting against the empire’s rule. If you wish to join, please arrive at this address.


Bail swiftly handed a piece of paper over to Finis.

Bail Organa

Please get there tomorrow at the labelled time and bring Sei Taria with you.


As Finis Valorum nodded his head, Inspector Divo returned.

Inspector Tan Divo

I have just finished my investigation and it appears that you were correct. The message was intercepted at Christophsis.


Of course, there was no message or interception. It was all a blatant trick. But Bail knew that the inspector would do nothing and just repeat what he said and used that to his advantage.

Bail organa

Then that is where our next objective lies.


The Inspector and Organa walked back into their speeder and flew towards Divo’s shuttle. They climbed aboard, followed by several blue police droids. After jumping to hyperspace and exiting it, they arrived to Christophsis.

Police Droid

Inspector Tan Divo and the Coruscant investigation force to Moff Beq – requesting permission to land.

Moff Beq (through comlink)

Permission granted. We will meet you on the surface of the capital. Please land on platform 1138, near my quarters.


They landed into the atmosphere of Christophsis – an emerald planet full of buildings that resembled gigantic green crystals and pavements made up of thousands bits of glass. Once a place of a terrible battle during the clone war, it was now an enormous base for the empire to make up their strategies. The leader of the opposing army was a separatist by the name of Whoarm Loathsom – the very ally Organa now needed to somehow secretly recruit while pretending to be leading an investigation. As the inspector and the senator exited the shuttle, they were approached by Moff Beq – the moff of Christophsis. A skinny imperial with a rather long nose.

Moff Beq

Welcome to Christophsis, Inspector!


Good afternoon, your honor. We not mean to intrude the secure environment of your wonderful planet. We are only here to investigate a possible dangerous rebel activity.

Moff Beq

I understand. And who may this be?

Bail Organa

Senator Organa of Alderaan. The emperor has assigned me to oversee this investigation.

Moff Beq

Quite a peculiar move on our Emperor’s behalf. Either way, do you have any specific location you suspect has been penetrated by rebellious teachings?

Inspector Tan Divo

We do not know the exact place but we know that the dangerous fugitive we seek, whoever he may be, is somewhere on this world.


Suddenly Moff Beq burst out in laughter.

Moff Beq

Well, you certainly are going to have an incredibly difficult time finding him, considering our world is considered to be one of the largest in the galaxy. But sure, go ahead.

Bail Organa

I have an idea. How about you, Inspector, investigate the moff’s office? If there is any equipment capable of tracking down the precise location of the traitor, it would certainly belong to the regional governor.

Moff Beq

Wait! I did not agree to this!

Bail Organa

If you refuse to share whatever equipment and information you possess in order to aid us in locating this dishonest criminal, we will assume you are connected to the plot. And, if that is what the emperor finds out, he will unlikely want to keep you as the moff of a world that is considered to be one of the largest in the galaxy.


I like your strategy, Organa. Not in intimidating such a loyal imperial such as Beq, of course, but rather, in choosing to use his materials. Now, let us go into the building then, shall we?

Bail Organa

I would recommend for you to search through the records yourself. Not to waste time, I will investigate another location that might prove effective in showcasing results. The imperial prison here on Christophsis.


Fine. But the prison is a very dangerous place. I insist on you being escorted by my guards if you are to inspect it.


At that moment Organa knew the droids were doomed. There was to be no evidence of the fact he would help whoarm escape to recruit him and if the droids were to follow, they would have to be destroyed to eliminate witnesses.

Bail Organa

I accept your terms. Let us begin then, shall we?


As the inspector went into Moff Beq’s office, Organa sat on a speeder with the police droids and arrived at the Christophsis prison.

Christophsis clone trooper 1

The senator has arrived. Open up the doors and let him into the prison for his investigation.

Bail Organa

Thank you. Police droids. You may remain outside. I will no longer require your assistance.

Police Droid

Apologies sir. But we have direct orders not to let you visit the prisoners unsupervised.

Bail Organa

Very well. Troopers, the droids will be enough security.

Clone troopers

As you wish, sir.


As he entered the prison and the doors closed, Organa immediately blasted his police droid escort into small pieces. In a lonely cell made of crystal, sat Bail’s recruit – Whoarm Loathsom. He was a blue kerkoiden with a rather fat, circular head that extended into a rather thin and long chin with two tusks at the end.


You again, Imperial scum?

Bail Organa

No. My name is Bail Organa. I am the founder of a rebel alliance, fighting against the empire’s tyranny. I’m here to rescue you in return for you supporting our cause.


That is indeed very nice of you. I do not know for how long I have already been sitting here, rotting in this cell. Not a moment of light! I was put here so long ago. By that stupid jedi filth! To this day, I still remember how he teased me. Faked a surrender. Committed a war crime. All while drinking tea. That filth – Kenobi!

Bail Organa

You may be pleased to know then, that Master Kenobi is no longer alive. He was killed by his clone troopers on Utapau. But his death should not serve as an excuse to support the regime of this empire.


Oh! Trust me, it does not. The empire is still the republic, only an even less just version of it. It is everything us separatists have been fighting against, multiplied. I almost wish there were jedi in your alliance, but of course they’re all dead.

Bail Organa

You seem to have been told quite a lot during your imprisonment. That is good to know. You will be more qualified when it comes to helping us out. I do not have much time, so here are your instructions. Once we get out of this building, you will pretend to have escaped, shot my droids and are now holding me hostage. You will carry me with a blaster pointed to my head until we reach a shuttle belonging to the prison’s warden. There, I will pretend to have escaped your grasp and you will fly away on the shuttle without me. Tomorrow, I will need you to arrive at this location. All the details are on the paper.


I understand. Thank you, senator Organa.


And so, they began enacting their plan.

Clone troopers

It’s the senator!

Clone trooper

That overgrown womprat is holding him hostage!

Clone troopers

Shoot him down!

Clone trooper

No. That will harm the senator.


As they reached the warden’s shuttle, Organa pushed Loathsom away and he flew off, leaving Bail behind just as planned. At that moment, Divo came.

Inspector Tan Divo

Wonderful, Organa! You have failed the entire mission! You somehow managed to both find our target and be captured by it, letting it escape! How brilliant of you!

Bail Organa

I apologize, Inspector. But in his excuse, which quickly turned into a confession, the former separatist accidentally mentioned the planet Orto. I suspect that there may be an entire squad of anti-imperial propagandists there. I believe that is where our next destination lies.


Oh! Why did you have to mention that? I thought that all of our straws had been lost and I could finally rest, putting all the blame on you in the mission’s report.


Of course, there was no confession. Organa was simply manipulating the investigation to head to Orto, where his next recruit was located.

Police droid

This is Inspector Tan Divo’s shuttle, requesting permission to land from the Minister of Orto.

Ortolan minister (through comlink)

Permission granted.

Ortolan Minister

We welcome you to Orto, Inspector Tan Divo and senator…

Bail Organa

Senator Organa.


Organa. What brings you to our remote sanctuary?


Business matters do. But what concerns me more is this. Why is there no moff greeting us? Why are you representing your planet and not a proper human being? How can I have a proper conversation with such uncivilized creatures? I believe you must be on Kessel, working for a greater purpose, rather than spending your time here, In luxury, not learning any lesson about life and pretending to be educated enough to speak with a person such as myself.


Organa knew they were not here for a conflict or to start a war due to the Inspector’s despicable words. He quickly intervened.

Bail Organa

We do not seek any kind of conflict. We simply wish to ask for permission to investigate your planet in search of a possible gathering of dangerous opposers to the emperor’s rule.




Organa bowed before the ortolan representative. Unwillingly, Inspector did the same. They walked forward, towards the long underground tunnels of the planet.

Bail Organa

According to what Loathsom said, his companions are hiding somewhere in this very area, inside the underground tunnels. I’ll take the right wing, you take the left.

Inspector Tan Divo

No! I’m the one who gives orders here! You take the right wing, I will take the left.


Bail entered the tunnel and saw his new recruit – the former separatist tactical droid TA-175. He had a body of metal, colored in blue and grey with 2 rectangular parts and a square head with a beak that was attached to them with 3 tubes.


Who is here, invading my privacy? According to my calculations, there is a 0.000576439872345019 percent chance that my location could have been discovered by the empire.

Bail Organa

Well, it was. Luckily for you, I am a senator of the rebellious nature. I have not come here to reprogram you or turn you into scrap, TA-175, but rather to give you a chance to make a difference and win the war that was cut short by The Empire’s rule. Replace the current dictatorship with the proper leadership that Count Dooku promised.


Based on your use of words and expression, there is a 100 percent chance that you are not an imperial spy. How can you convince me that your rebellion will be successful, senator?

Bail Organa

I cannot guarantee anything. But at least it will be better than just letting yourself rust until your mechanism dies down and you shut down.


I can see your point. But if your rebellion is to fail, my mind could be used by the empire to learn the locations of surviving separatist members. I was programmed to make sure that that does not happen.

Bail Organa

And I promise you that it will not.


Promises are not assurances, senator. They have no evidence behind them.

Bail Organa

We need you. All the senators in my faction are counting on your support to save the lives of the galaxy. This is a chance to finish what the commerce guild, banking clan, corporate alliance and techno union started.


And, if I refuse?

Bail Organa

How about I change up the way I play this game. If you refuse, I will hand you over to Inspector Divo as a rebel.


In that case, I agree to your terms. What must I do?

Bail Organa

I have secretly contacted my helper Mon Mothma to bring a cloaked shuttle here. She will arrive in a matter of seconds. While I distract the inspector, you are to leave the tunnel, climb aboard the shuttle and fly away.


Roger roger


And so, they enacted their plan. Into his distraction, Organa put a piece of information that would take them to his next recruit.

Bail Organa

I was unable to find the rebels. But I did find their abandoned ship. Upon investigating it, I learned that it was originally intended to be their escape vessel but they used another one due to it breaking. I checked the ship’s navigation computer and found out they were going to fly to Rugosa. That is most likely where they are located now.

Inspector Tan Divo

Rugosa is the moon of Toydaria. I’m swearing Organa, this will be our last stop! If the rebels are not there, I will just tell the emperor you led me down a false trail.

Bail Organa

There is no need. I am certain that they will be there.


Let us hope so.

Police droid

This is inspector Tan Divo’s shuttle, requesting permission to land on Rugosa.

Inspector Tan Divo

Now, where exactly did you say we would find the rebel crew we are pursuing?

Bail Organa

I thought it was obvious. On this moon.


You speak as if a moon is a small thing. Trust me, there are billions of places here where the rebels could be hiding.

Bail Organa

Which is why you can start searching the forest while I investigate the imperial base.


They landed and walked out towards the imperial base. This base was once a humanitarian base for the republic but had now been changed to something far worse.

Bail Organa

Permission to enter, please. I am Bail organa of Alderaan and I have the authority to enter this building on behalf of the emperor.

Clone trooper

Yes sir. But by the orders of Vizier Amedda, we will be escorting you and supervising you during your investigation.


This was a problem. Blasting police droids was one thing. But clones were organic, living beings.

Bail Organa

Trooper. I assure you that that will not be necessary. After all, just because you are a clone does not mean you cannot be a traitor. Perhaps you are assisting this group of villains in their villainous acts.

Clone trooper

The same could be said for you.

Bail Organa

Yes. But I was assigned by the emperor to investigate this matter. I don’t think you would want to judge his authority.

Clone trooper

And I was assigned by Vizier Amedda to supervise whoever visits this outpost.

Bail Organa

You have just proven me right. When an order by Vizier Amedda contradicts an order by our emperor, the emperor is always the one whose bidding we should fulfill.

Clone troopers

Fair enough. Troopers! Let Organa pass!


The doors opened. After checking that he was alone, Organa walked towards the required cell. It was the prison chamber of neimodian Lok Durd. A rather obese neimodian with green skin, red eyes and extremely expensive clothes.

Bail Organa

I assume you are Lok Durd. Former member of the separatist alliance and leader of Cato Neimodia.

Lok Durd

Yes. And who may you be, Imperial?

Bail Organa

I am but an imperial on the outside. On the inside, I am a protestor. Fighting against the delusional kingdom of nightmares that the emperor has built.

Lok Durd

And what proof do you have that you are not here to find out about the secrets of the no-longer existing separatist alliance?

Bail Organa

I have none. But several other members of the alliance that you once were a part of have joined our team.

Lok Durd

In that case, I agree. There are no jedi on your side by any chance, are there?

Bail Organa


Lok Durd

Good. I remember the last encounter I had with a jedi. That stupid padawan Skywalker. While I was on a mission negotiating a peace treaty between the confederacy of independent systems and the lurmen village, he captured me and accused me of attempting to destroy the lurmen. Neither me or my friends in the CIS ever had any such intention.

Bail Organa

I see. Well, the jedi are all extinct. This group I am assembling consists only of senators and rebel sympathizers.

Lok Durd

I see. Well, how do you suppose I should escape from this unpleasant jail cell?

Bail Organa

While I will be distracting the clone troopers surrounding the perimeter, you will escape on a cloaked shuttle operated by an ally of mine that will arrive to pick you up.


Once again, the plan was enacted. Though, this time, without as much success as before.

Clone troopers

Senator Organa! Were you able to complete your investigation?

Bail Organa

Indeed I was. I found the rebel sympathizers who created a base of operations under your very nose inside that very prison cell and was able to knock them out and properly lock them up.

Clone troopers

Apologies sir. But I find that incredibly hard to believe.

Bail Organa

Alright. I may have made it sound as if it was easy. I assure you, troopers, that it most certainly was not. They almost destroyed me. It was quite the battle.

Clone troopers

That seems incredibly unlikely.

Bail Organa

Fine. I was unable to find anything. The trail led to nothing.

Tan Divo

Neither was I. So, what now, Organa? We wasted an entire day and countless resources of fuel on an investigation that led us nowhere.


Organa grabbed the inspector by the shoulder and they walked off to be beyond the hearing range of the troopers.

Bail Organa

Well. If we tell this to the Emperor, even if you put all of the blame on me, he will inevitably accuse you of not being a proper investigator. Perhaps he will even replace you and you will have to spend the rest of your life helping window cleaning droids with work they are quite capable of dong themselves. My suggestion would be to lie to the emperor and tell him that we found a large insurgency in the senatorial ranks and were capable of putting an end to it. That way, you will get all of the praise.


That is a fantastic idea, Organa! For once, I will say such a thing.


It seemed like all had gone according to Organa’s little scheme. He managed to fool the inspector, recruit all the necessary members and was now headed for Coruscant back to the imperial palace. This time, the throne room of the wicked tyrant was filled with his royal red guards – their polished, clean cloaks were a representation of the blood which founded the emperor’s rule. Their proud body structures represented the certainty with which this piece of rotten flesh carried out his will upon the frightened inhabitants of every world. He sat in his throne, his smile as twisted as a broken limb.


Inspector. Organa. Would you mind reporting on the status of your mission?


Well. I am very glad you have asked your excellency. While Organa spent most of the time doing absolutely nothing, I put all of my hard work into using all of the resources you have provided us with to find out the source of this rebel activity you spoke of. I managed to track it down to 3 planets:

Bail Organa

In short, your majesty, we succeeded in wiping out the feeling of resistance in the senate and on other worlds.


Is that so?

Bail Organa

Indeed! Through my collaboration with the wonderful Inspector, I was able to both get experience in our marvelous empire’s system of operations and help make certain no threat grows within it to destroy the organization you have built.




Organa gulped in fear of what was to come and rose from his knees, bowing to this despicable troll.


I will never forget what you have done for our empire, Organa. Leave us, Inspector.


The inspector was shocked at organa getting all the praise as was the senator of Alderaan himself. Unwillingly, Divo left the room with a look of jealousy and hatred in his eyes.


You must understand, Organa. I know you were unable to discover anything in your investigation. I can very easily recognize lies. I know the trace you followed led nowhere and you failed in your mission. Or at least you would have. If that was really its purpose.

Bail Organa

My emperor. I can explain.


There is no need. You must understand, Organa, my empire is built on lies. Lies such as what you and the inspector told to me are what will hold this ideal system in one piece. Illusions that will cover this galaxy of mine like a cloud of justice. You now understand why it has to be this way. Why so many have to live in the dark, begging to believe they have even the slightest understanding of what is really happening in this world. The real reason I sent you and the inspector on this mission was to see how the police commission of Coruscant functions. To see whether I should change our system up. The 2 of you have proved that my empire’s security requires immediate alteration. Your failure has demonstrated that my inspection teams are physically incapable of fighting off rebels or even worse, surviving jedi traitors. And for helping me see the truth, you shall be rewarded.

Bail Organa



Palpatine smiled yet again. This time right in front of Organa’s terrified face. Vizier Amedda entered the room.

Mas Amedda

Follow me, senator Organa.


Organa obediently followed the vizier and was taken into a rather formally-decorated room. It had grey walls that were not at all lit by any device. The only light within the room came from a bright blue hologram that was displayed on a long table in this office’s center. Several imperial members stood around the hologram, carefully observing every detail of it.

Colonel Yularen

Ah! Organa! We have been expecting you! The emperor informed us you would be added to the elimination council.


Colonel Yularen said. He was a rather strict and down-to business individual who wore a white suit with a grey moustache on his face, underlying his style.

Bail Organa

Pardon me?

Mas Amedda

The elimination council is a secret council our Emperor has organized for his most trusted associates. Its purpose is to discuss and agree on what must be changed about our empire in order to perfect the world we live in.

Bail Organa

I see. But why am I in it?

Mas Amedda

Do not question the decisions of our emperor. He is wiser than anyone else in the galaxy and knows better than any of us. Praise him for improving our society and accept any responsibility he gives you with certainty and grace.

Bail Organa

My apology, Grand Vizier.

Colonel Yularen

The emperor has spent several years secretly assembling resources from the banks of the banking clan to create this new and advanced galactic security system. Only we are allowed to use it. Over the years, the emperor’s trusted advisors have placed expensive security satellites throughout the entire galaxy. Over tens of thousands of these machines are hidden on every planet, ranging from being placed under the ground to above the atmosphere. Together, they create a detailed 3-d map of the entire galaxy. Using just our fingers, we can zoom on any given place and observe every detail of what is happening in it in this precise moment. This allows us to observe what takes place under the waters of Kamino and even in the homes of the members of the imperial senate.

Meebur Gascon

So, an espionage device?


Meebur Gascon suggested. Everyone looked at him in shock of what he said. He always spoke his mind and was a very respected colonel, though with an incredibly small body size and a head larger than any other part of his body. He had green skin and 2 antenna-like eyes popping out of his pear-resembling head.


No. Espionage is illegal. It is what our empire fights against. What this council has been made to oppose. We are here to make the system fair.

Colonel Yularen

Indeed. We will not overuse the power gifted to us by this device. Its sole purpose is to defend the empire in case of a rebel attack. Not to spy on any innocent civilians.

Meebur Gascon

Understood, sir. Forgive me for my insolence.


Next spoke admiral Coburn. A member of the empire who once helped rescue a jedi squad from the planet Lola Sayu. He had an incredibly round head with grey hair and rather narrow eyes.


The emperor has used this map to label his targets. Every single senator, citizen and leader who could potentially pose a threat to us in the future. We will be carefully observing each of these people to ensure that our fears do not come to fruition.


Bail knew he should act, explain how wrong this is to the other members. How disgusting this kind of observation is. But he was aware that would most likely lead to his execution so he stood there, nodding his head in agreement. Suddenly, there was silence. The mechanical doors slid open. Heavy breathing. Loud footsteps. A dark figure came in. So despicably filled to the core with the dark side of the force that all of the light in the room seemed to have been sucked out and placed within his metallic suit. He wore a terrifying cape. His walk was swift and mighty, killing everyone in the room inside with how full of anger his every movement seemed. His helmet was so polished, it reflected the faces of every member of this council except extracted any color they may have had. His mask resembled a skeleton of a vile creature. Nobody knew what to say. Everyone was frightened. Only Tarkin spoke.


Lord Vader? We are honored by your arrival. Please, have a seat.


There is no need for such hospitality. You may continue with the briefing.


Very well. The Emperor had recently appointed senator Bail Organa as assistant to Inspector Tan Divo to see how well our empire’s security functions. I believe you have an analysis of the situation for us, senator?


Organa looked at Vader. Vader looked at him. Bail had much more history with this individual than others knew. But Organa looked away and spoke.

Bail Organa

After spending a rather large amount of time with the inspector, it is clear to me that the system is currently very poorly organized. Despite using all of the resources available, it was impossible to find anything out and the 2 of us spent the entire day pursuing a mirage.


A mirage! Very well said, senator. This statement validates the point I was making earlier. A different system must be created. One far harsher. Using any methods necessary to extract information. A fair and balanced system where methods such as torture, misinformation and even murder are more than acceptable. It is something the republic would not approve of. Even now, most of the senators would be against it. Luckily for us, their voices are now nothing but an empty waste of time meant to cloud the judgement of the brainless crowd.


Suddenly, Gascon spoke again.

Meebur Gascon

Excuse me, Tarkin, but this is completely unacceptable! I swore my loyalty to the republic, a fair and just system and peaceful methods. After hearing our Emperor’s speech, I assumed that the empire would exemplify such ways. But this cruel destruction and trail of thought could lead to terrible consequences.


Your bravery to speak such open, traitorous thoughts demands appreciation, colonel. But your wisdom is practically non-existent if you assumed this is something you would get away with.


Suddenly, Vader raised his hand and began squashing his palm. Gascon was losing breath. Then, Vader thrust himself so far into the abyss of anger, hate and violence, Gascon’s every vein and nerve popped until he became a bunch of worthless jelly lying on the table.


My apologies for the interruption.


As I stated before, the current system is a weakness.


Organa was stunned by what he had just witnessed. He knew that this demon was pure evil. But to see these dark deeds unfold right before him – astonishing. But Organa was more miserable than he was frightened. For, once, this creature was an angel. Once, he was a hero. A savior. A compassionate human being. He saved Organa’s life on Christophsis. He liberated slaves. Saved innocent lives. He was the real father of Organa’s daughter Leia. But the devil corrupts. The devil whispers in the ear, becomes a friend. Promises power, friendship. But Vader has none. Now, he is but a shell of his former self, locked within a living prison. The devil has everything. Vader has nothing. For that devil is the emperor.


The next day, Organa assembled another meeting. He knew that his colleagues would disapprove of him joining this elimination council but the info they would earn from there would be well worth it. Knowing which places were spied upon by this monstrous imperial technology, Organa specifically chose a new base of operations on the underground levels of the planet. Deep beneath the levels of the senate, on the streets of darkness. Where there was no light, where womprats fed on junk and people were sliced in 2 for fun.

Dewell Bronk

You have gathered all of us – this entire rebellion into one large team to oppose the empire’s tyranny under all circumstances. And yet, somehow, still have the insolence to join some kind of vile elimination council. How can we trust you? How do we know you are not a spy recording all of our misdeeds for further usage?

Bail Organa

Bronk. We’ve known each other since before the clone wars. I would never betray you. As for why I have joined the council, need I repeat myself again? It is to gain the emperor’s secrets and share them with you.

Giddean Danu

You are standing on very thin ice, senator. I do hope you will not stray from the right path.

Meena Tills

The emperor is a great deceiver. He will seduce you, just as he manipulated representative Binks.

Bail Organa

Thank you for mentioning Binks, I will make sure to recruit him to our cause.

Fang Zar

Come on senator. Surely you are aware that that gungan has long been excluded from the galactic senate and banished to Naboo?

Mon Mothma

Senator. Our new recruits have arrived.

Bail Organa

I welcome you all to the rebel alliance, gentlemen.


He turned to the others.

Bail Organa

Gentlemen, may I introduce you Finis Valorum – the rightful chancellor of the galactic republic. His assistant – Sei Taria, who was forced out of the senate on orders of Palpatine by his assistant Sly Moore. Lok Durd – former member of the trade federation and noble separatist. Whoarm Loathsom – war general who fought against the clone army during the battle of Christophsis. And TA-175 – tactical droid who served Wat Tambor during the battle of Ryloth.

Finis Valorum

Good morning, everyone. It is an honor.

Mon Mothma

I share the feeling, sir.

Lok Durd

I must admit. I was under the assumption that this conference room would be a lot larger.

Bail Organa

The size of the rooms we will hold our meetings in should not be a concern in the slightest. What should be is the fact that the emperor has used all of his resources to create a complete map of almost the entire galaxy. He can spy on anyone at any given moment and there is nothing we can do to stop him. That is why I chose to change the location of our meetings to this part of the underworld. He does not currently have a single spy device in this location and we are therefore protected. But it will not be for long. I have taken in the advice of senator Bana Breemu from our last meeting. She is correct. Sitting here without acting, assembling powerful members one by one is not enough. It is a deeply flawed strategy. Rather than that, we must create a massive effect. I have finally realized how.

Whoarm Loathsom

How, may I ask?

Bail Organa

While I was on the mission with Inspector Divo, we visited the planet Orto. The inspector began babbling on about how disgraceful it is that the ortolans hold such a high rank. But in doing so, he slipped the name of a system. He believes that the ortolan species should be on Kessel, workig for a “greater purpose”. This sentence led me to believe that the empire has created slave camps on Kessel, perhaps forcing various races to extract materials and resources for the empire. If we were to sneak into one of those camps and sabotage their program, causing a slave uprising, we could liberate a large amount of captives and slow down the empire’s takeover.

Fang Zar

In the old days, Kessel used to be a hive for the hutts and the pykes. The security measures in their lairs were immense. Surely the empire has an even stricter system. How can we sneak in?


The unusual-looking, bearded senator in the purple robes is correct. During a mission for Count Dooku in the first year of the clone war, I was sent to deliver supplies to Kessel. Their defenses were impenetrable. There is a 99.99999999 percent chance of the empire improving on the security system.

Bail Organa

We will dress up in clone trooper outfits. Knock a few clones out and take their clothes. Then take a large container, fill It with pre-produced marlometal and pretend to be a delivery of the shipment.

Lok Durd

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Do you really think that will work? You fooling an inspector is nothing when compared to a full squadron of heavily trained guards.

Bail Organa

It has to work.

Sei Taria

I believe that it is worth an attempt.



Whoarm Loathsom


Giddean Danu


Dewell Bronk


Bail Organa

The majority agrees. In that case, we can proceed with operation rescue.

Nix Card

Operation “Rescue?” Is that really what you called it?


A voice said from behind. The senators all turned around in fear. Their worries had come true – their meeting was discovered. 3 people came into the room: Senator Nix Card of the banking clan – a tall and extremely thin member of the muun species with an extremely long head and nose. Senator Lott Dod – the neimodian who confronted Organa a few weeks back. And senator Gume Saam – a senator with a beak and a green head with 2 pointed eyes.

Lott Dod

So uninspiring!

Gume Saam

Surely you could have thought of something better?

Bail Organa

What… what are you doing here?


Organa said in terror, stress and shock.

Lott Dod

Perhaps you have forgotten Organa. But a couple weeks back I asked you if you would mind standing up for the trade federation in the imperial senate. You refused. But I am not intending to back out. Neither are my fellow senators from the banking clan and the techno union. We followed your little rebellion into this underworld. I must admit, a perfect hiding place. I would never have gone as far down as here under any other circumstance. But the trade federation is in terrible danger. As are other organizations. You must help us in the imperial senate or we will tell the emperor himself about your little plot to overthrow him.

Bail Organa

He will not believe you.

Gume Saam

He will senator. I assure you. So there is one thing left for you to do.

Nix Card

You must make us a part of this conspiracy.

Bail Organa

Fine. You are officially members of the rebellion.

Nix Card

I have learned quite some information through my associations which I am now willing to share with you. The emperor is putting half of all of the money on Scipio into several secret projects. The details are not yet known but I am quite certain that one of those is in fact Kessel. My friend Gume Saam over here has more details.

Gume Saam

As the representative of the techno union, I am obliged to know everything that is being built on its behalf. While the emperor did his best to hide this information from me, I have managed to gain access to the map of the biggest working camp on Kessel. This map could help you in going on this little quest of yours and saving the empire’s slaves.

Bail Organa

Then it is decided. Me, Senator Giddean Danu, senator Sei Taria and Senator Lott Dod will dress up as soldiers of the clone army and bring in a fake delivery of marlometal. Once we get into the camp, we will liberate the slaves there.

Gume Saam

There is one key thing you are forgetting, Organa. You want to sneak in as clones? All of the clones in the imperial army have one voice. That of the late bounty hunter Jango Fett. I do not think your skills of impersonation are as good as to be able to fool the camp’s warden into believing you are a clone trooper. I think that it is a requirement for you to use modulation. Modulation that I could provide you with. I am after all a member of the techno union.

Bail Organa

Given we are now all on one boat, I believe it would be most kind of you.


And so they did it. Gume Saam provided the senators with special modulation and armor that would fool the empire into believing they are clones. Organa and the others took on the equipment as well as a box with marlometal that was a “delivery shipment”. They entered a shuttle, left Coruscant, passing the imperial blockade and set course for Kessel.

Bail Organa (with clone voice)

Shuttle SW1977 requesting permission to land. We are delivering marlometals that are to be processed by the workers.

Clone (via comlink)

Permission granted, shuttle SW1977.


The senators, disguised as clones that were delivering a shipment, flew into the atmosphere. The planet Kessel was for centuries an embodiment of violence. For generations, it had been the base of operations of criminal syndicates to conduct their illegal activities, using kidnapped people of various species and races to do their bidding. The endless tears that exited the eyes of each slave filled the air with dread and monstrosity. The hatred of those who run such camps poisoned the planet and turned it into a yellow piece of filth. Even now, the imperial camp’s warden was standing on a bridge above the unwilling workers and lecturing them in his twisted manner.


Your lives are meaningless. They have always been meaningless. The republic’s corruption drove you into a false sense of comfort that you are anything but a waste of time and space. The emperor is doing you a huge favor by reminding you of the waste that is your existence. But do not fear. There is still a way for you to redeem yourself for enjoying your life. To work for a greater purpose, to bring comfort and joy to those whose existence actually matters. To be selfless and brave. It is to spend night and day working in this facility. Bringing happiness to those who deserve it.


Organa, in clone uniform, approached.

Bail Organa (clone)

Sir. We have delivered a shipment for the slaves. We request permission to take it into the factory for unloading.


Permission granted, trooper.


Organa and the others came into the factory of the camp. No one was watching. Just one slave was on his break. It was Lampay Fay, former member of the administration of Pau City port. Once a rich and wealthy pau’an, now a poor, helpless soul.

Lampay Fay

More work, you imperial scum?

Bail Organa (clone)

No. The shipment is empty.

Lampay Fay

Why would you bring an empty shipment in?

Bail Organa (taking the helmet off, both clone and Organa actor should do this line)

Because I am not a clone. Neither am I an imperial. I am a rebel and we have come to liberate this camp.

Lampay Fay

And how will you do that?

Bail Organa

We alone can do nothing. But all of the people in here would be more than enough. Please tell this to the others. In exactly a minute, all of you must simultaneously grab your electroshovels and attack the security.

Lampay Fay

Fine. I will tell the rest. But it will be dangerous.

Sei Taria

Oh, it will. But at the very least it is better than being enslaved.


Lampay Fay nodded and walked away. Organa prayed that the slaves would succeed. Lampay whispered something to his friend Tion Medon. Tion whispered something to someone else. A minute passed. Nothing (pause) All of a sudden, every slave began rebelling. Grabbing shovels, attacking the clone security.


All workers!!!!!! Stay where you are!!!!!!!! Remain at your position!!!!!!!!!!


The slaves did not obey.


Troopers! Open fire!

Bail Organa

Everyone!!!!!!!! Everyone!!!!!!!!! Into the shuttles!!!!!!!! Into the shuttles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The slaves followed Organa into the shuttles he called in. Everyone ran in and the ships took off, leaving Kessel behind. At that same moment, in the imperial palace, Amedda brought the news of what happened on Kessel to his master.

Mas Amedda

My emperor. There has been a terrorist movement in the Kessel system on an enormous scale. Some slaves were killed but most have escaped. And all of our imperial personnel is seriously injured.

Emperor laughs


Organa is braver than I thought.

Mas Amedda

You believe this is his doing?


Of course it is. Who else would have the courage to organize such a foolish escape? The misguided senator of Alderaan, of course.


Master. Let me deal with Organa. It will be done swiftly and quickly.


The dark shadow that was Vader said.


Be patient, my friend. Organa is to remain safe and completely unharmed for the next couple of years.



Mas Amedda

My emperor. I….


I have had enough of you questioning my motives. Summon Finis Valorum to my chambers.


Amedda bowed and walked off. At the same moment, on the shuttles that had evacuated the slaves from the camp, former Port Administrator of Utapau Tion Medon was speaking with Organa.

Tion Medon

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to escape from that dreadful place, young senator.

Bail Organa

You are most welcome….

Tion Medon

Tion Medon. I was once the port administrator of Pau city. One of the richest members of the pau’an government. After I was rescued by the republic from the separatists, the clone troopers turned on me and imprisoned my people.

Bail Organa

I am rather sorry to hear that, Administrator Medon. For now, I’m afraid you will have to hide. Returning to Utapau would not be wise, now that it is in complete control of the empire.

Tion Medon

Rather than hide, I would much prefer to join your rebel movement.

Bail Organa

It would be an honor to have someone like you with us.


Both bowed to each other. At that same moment, before the shuttles reached all of their destinations to drop off those who were slaves, former Chancellor and secret member of Organa’s movement Valorum was brought into Palpatine’s chambers.

Finis Valorum

You summoned me, my emperor?


Indeed, Valorum. I have demanded your presence to make an apology.

Finis Valorum

I do not see any reason for you to apologize to me, my lord.


I see much reason. You see, when you were chancellor you were removed due to a vote of no confidence on Queen Amidala’s behalf.

Finis Valorum

I do remember that.


It was I who truly inspired your removal. Amidala was actually against it, I must admit, but, ultimately, the cloud of doubt formed by my worm tongue, convinced her. I became chancellor. Even had Amedda change up some of the votes. I did so not for the sake of prosperity or peace. Purely for power. I believe I ought to have explained this to you as the conflict between us just needed some closure.

Finis Valorum

My emperor….


Valorum was still unsure as to why he was summoned here.


The closure is not in the form of words. Only actions can truly resolve something. Your death will be a resolution to this.


The dark politician put his hands forward towards Valorum and unleashed an unlimited force of painful energy in the form of his wicked power – force lightning. He struck Valorum with this ability and laughed in joy as the innocent former chancellor suffered and screamed on the room’s floor.


Feel the wrath of the dark side, Valorum. I want you to know that you were removed due to being weak. Arrogant. Naive. Foolish. Incompetent. You were never truly capable of being who the world needed you to be.


Valorum begged for mercy, only causing the emperor to intensify the torture of the old man.


And, thus, you must die.


And with one final strike, Sidious destroyed Valorum’s life force and killed him.


Guards. Dispose of the body. Throw it down the city from a speeder in the air.


The 2 red guards silently bowed and carried the body out. Not long afterwards, Organa and the former slaves who had now agreed to be part of his rebellion landed. Mon Mothma immediately ran towards those who had arrived.

Mon Mothma

Bail!!!! While you were gone, The Emperor summoned Valorum into the palace. He did not return.

Bail Organa


Mon Mothma

I do not know why. (pause) But there is an even bigger concern. Our rebellion is at risk. Senator Bana Breemu decided that even liberating the prisoners on Kessel is not enough action. I tried to stop her but she wouldn’t listen to reason. She went to the imperial speech today.


Organa couldn’t comprehend what had just been told to him. He had only arrived from a difficult operation and was now informed that Valorum had been summoned by Palpatine and disappeared and that Bana Breemu had gone to an imperial speech to do something potentially dangerous. At that moment, a holographic broadcast began playing.

Imperial Narrator

We present to you Moff Corakle’s replacement – Moff Remnant.


I am here to replace the honorable Moff Corakle. Please know that I will undoubtedly, successfully carry out the will of our great emperor’s crusade for peace and justice.


What happened next was the turning point for Organa’s decision-making. The end of his entire rebellion. The conclusion of his play. The final twist of the story. Live on broadcast, senator Bana Breemu took out a blaster and, without warning, shot down Moff Remnant in cold blood. The crowd in the holoprojection gasped in shock as did Organa, Mothma and everyone else watching. It was an extremely unfortunate turn of events, even for Palpatine himself.


The foolish girl destroyed all of my designs. All with one blaster shot.


Even Palpatine’s aide Sly Moore, who barely ever spoke, shared her opinion.

Sly Moore

I thought you did not care for Remnant’s survival.


I do not. But such open methods on behalf of the rebels are both a betrayal of my and Organa’s schemes. The senator of Alderaan will no longer be confident in his alliance and will take a large pause in gathering his forces or even stop them. United, the rebels are a much easier target than they are separated across worlds. Organa was unintentionally doing my bidding by creating his rebel collection but now, now it is over. It will be far more difficult for the elimination council to do their job, as it will be for the imperial security bureau which I recently created.


And, indeed, Organa did quit his rebellion. All his hopes for a better future had burned down in flames with that one blaster shot.

Bail Organa

It is most difficult for me to say these words but… the rebel alliance is finished.


Finished? Are you mad!

Lampay Fay

I, for one, have only just joined it.

Whoarm Loathsom

We didn’t all gather together just to quit?

Lok Durd

This was not part of my agreement!

Meena Tills

How dare you?

Tion Medon

You won’t allow us to repay you for your generosity in rescuing us?

Lampay Fay


Bail Organa

I know very well what you might be thinking. How is this possible? Has Organa gone mad? The truth is, I only gathered this alliance under the certainty that all precautions were taken. That not a single member of this movement would betray us or increase the chance of our failure. Senator Bama Breemu and her actions proved otherwise. Her despicable and vile cold-blooded assassination of the imperial moff made me reconsider our purpose. If members of the group standing before me are capable of such unacceptable and disgraceful methods, we are doomed to fail and take the empire’s place as the tyrannical government running the galaxy. That is not what I wish.

Nix Card

And just because of that you want to end the entire rebellion?

Lott Dod

After all this effort?

Bail Organa

The rebellion is not finished for good. We will return and regather our forces in several years. How many, I do not know. But we will rebuild ourselves once all the eyes pointing towards us disappear and we become a simple rumor within the empire, much like what the jedi now are. Until then, I beg you all a good farewell.


Everyone put their head down in disbelief. This could not be how it all would end. But Organa knew what he was doing. He decided to live Coruscant once and for all and depart for his homeworld of Alderaan to reunite with his family and his adopted daughter. But first, he had one more stop to make. The planet of Dagobah. A world full of swamps, green lakes, moss and exotic wildlife. Covered in mystic fog and seaweed. The homeworld of his secret contact. As he landed on the muddy surface of the planet, a green being approached. This was his secret contact. He was small, with pointy ears and walked with a wooden cane in his hand.


Senator Organa. To see you alive, brings warmth to my heart. A long time it has been since last contacted me you did.

Bail organa

An even longer time since I saw you in person. So, this is where you now live? A slimy mudhole full of dragonsnakes and other bloodthirsty creatures and parasites?


To this planet, more than meets the eye there is. Of course, not as interesting as Coruscant its habitat looks, but very strongly it is covered with the force. Detect my presence here, the empire cannot.

Bail Organa

I see. And have there been any other surviving jedi who reached out to you?



Bail Organa

Then we must assume you and Master Kenobi are the only survivors. I have come to inform you that the rebellion is finished. I am no longer going to continue fighting for justice. I have decided to return to Alderaan and spend time with my daughter and wife.


A wise decision you have made, Organa. A difficult one, too. If in doubt about your actions you are, know that done everything correctly you have. Forget about your movement you must. But not forever. Eventually, return the concept of defiance will. Last forever, Palpatine’s rule will not.

Bail Organa

Of course. But when?


Better left unanswered, some questions are. Guide us to justice the force will.


The 2 wise men bowed to each other. Organa left for Alderaan, where he was greeted once more by his wife Breha.

Breha Organa



They shared a kiss. A kiss of passion, happiness and hope.

Bail Organa

I was terribly worried. During my important business on Coruscant, I was frightened of what Palpatine would do to you. Are you alright?

Breha Organa

Yes. I’m in no danger. Leia is fine, too.

Bail Organa

Thank the force.


Suddenly, a protocol droid of golden color approached. It was Bail Organa’s personal droid C-3po.


Senator Organa. I made sure to take good care of your little daughter during the several months of your absence. I assure you, she is in perfect health and safety.

Bail Organa

Thank you, protocol droid.


I do not understand why you refuse to acknowledge my name. I am C-3po, human cyborg relations.

Bail Organa



And so, with his child in his arms, his wife and protocol droid standing next to him, Organa looked happily towards the planet’s sunset. He couldn’t ask for more.

The complete “General Grievous: An Animated Fan Film script”

The animated fan film which I very recently released, called “General Grievous”, has become a MAJOR success on the YouTube platform! Many of the commenters on the video have shared their enjoyment of the film’s cast, charm and story. Now that it has been out for a fair bit of days, this post gives you access to the full, final draft of the script. This version of the screenplay was used by the actors, editors and myself as the director. In it, you’ll be able to find all of the stage directions as well as the lines and moments that didn’t make it into the final cut or were, for a variety of reasons, slightly altered. Enjoy!

Opening crawl:

Three weeks have passed since the Battle of Geonosis. Much to the dismay of the jedi knights, the Clone Wars have carried on across the galaxy and engulfed thousands of worlds. With no choice but to protect the Republic and its leaders, the jedi lead enormous armies of clone troopers into battles. 

A war has started above the peaceful planet of Hypori. In an attempt to protect the senate’s investment in the world, a large squad of jedi under the leadership of jedi master Ara Ing Udon has been dispatched.

But as the peaceful protectors defend the planet against the enemies’ forces, they know not what awaits them on the surface… a new assassin of the tyrannical Count Dooku… 

The film starts with an enormous separatist flagship flying into frame. Afterwards, several republic fighters appear and the virtual camera follows them as they begin firing at vulture droids.  

Clone Trooper: There are 3 vulture droids on my tail! I cannot maneuver… 

The clone’s fighter gets blown to bits. 

Cut to inside a republic cruiser with Jedi knights Ara Ing Udon, Sung Am, Nekl Aws and Nesneg Roj looking out of the cruiser’s window and onto the battle. 

Sung Am: Master! How can we possibly win? The enemy has us completely outmatched! We must withdraw, otherwise no one will survive!

Ara Ing Udon puts his head down in disbelief

Ara Ing Udon: Hypori is crucial for our victory in the clone war. If we leave now, there will be no chance in saving its inhabitants. 

Sung Am: There is no chance at all anymore! But if we do not flee, we will die along with those on the surface. 

Nesneg Roj: I’m afraid that padawan Am is right, Master Udon. There are seventy eight thousand separatist cruisers attacking us. Our chances of survival are below minimal. We must evacuate immediately. 

Ara Ing Udon (reluctantly): Alright! (to clone trooper) Commander Brown - start up the hyperdrive generator. We are exiting the system immediately. 

Commander Brown: Yes, sir! As you wish, sir!

The hyperdrive starts up. There is a camera moving from the bridge of the republic cruiser, to space, to the bridge of the separatist cruiser. 

Battle droid: Sir. The main republic cruiser has started up its hyperdrive generator. We believe they may be attempting to flee. 

Tactical Droid: We cannot let the jedi escape. This entire battle’s purpose is in luring the jedi onto the planet’s surface. Destroy the hyperdrive generator. 

Battle droid: Roger roger

The battle droid presses some buttons and a cannon fires at the hyperdrive of the republic’s cruiser. 

Clone Trooper: General Udon! Our hyperdrive has been destroyed! We cannot jump to lightspeed! 

Ara Ing Udon: In that case, we have no choice. We must crash land on the planet. 

Clone Trooper: Sir! The ship is terribly damaged! The chances of survival in case of a crash are extremely minimal. 

Ara Ing Udon: But is there any other choice?

The cruiser turns upside down and begins crashing into the atmosphere and burning up. We see the inside of the ship, with glass breaking and the ship burning, many clones dying. At last it hits the ground. 

There is a shot of the inside of the ship. We see the dead bodies of many clones as well as Ara Ing Udon. Sung Am is coughing due to his serious injury, with blood spilling everywhere. 

Sung Am (barely breathing, coughing, struggling to speak): Master Roj. We are doomed. Master Udon is dead. I am almost one with the force too. 

Nesneg Roj: No, padawan Am. We will get you to a medical station. All that is left is to find a way to contact reinforcements to pick us up. But you cannot give up! You must have the spirit to keep on fighting! To keep on living! 

Sung Am: Alright (coughs)

Suddenly, there is a very loud and powerful explosion and many clones are blown up (insert Wilhelm scream) as an enormous droid gunship flies in. 

Nesneg Roj grabs Sung Am and runs away to hide in a more covered spot. A battle droid on a speeder flies in and begins blasting the jedi. Nesneg Roj activates his saber and deflects the blaster, causing the droid to be blown to bits. The camera follows the pieces of the droid being blown up. Nesneg Roj takes a heavy breath. An enormous amount of super battle droids begin approaching and firing at the remains of the republic cruiser. The jedi try to hide from the large amount of lasers. A dwarf spider droid fires a laser into the sky and it lands into the ground, causing shrapnel to further damage the jedi. Suddenly, the super battle droids turn their hands around. There is silence. They then walk away, with all ships flying away. 

Sung Am (barely able to speak): Master Roj. Why did they retreat? 

Nesneg Roj: I do not know. It does not make much sense. But I sense a greater darkness is still approaching. We must reserve our strength. 

A separatist shuttle flies in and lands. General grievous enters. The camera shows a shadow of him brutally slaughtering the two jedi. Grievous picks up the sabers and opens up a hologram of Count Dooku. 

Count Dooku: General. Have you completed your mission?

General Grievous: Yes, Count Dooku. 

Count Dooku: Then Master Nesneg Roj and padawan Sung Am are no longer alive?

General Grievous: Yes. They are one with the force. Worthy of recognition in the jedi order. 

Count Dooku: I am impressed. But now that news of your existence will reach the jedi council, your full potential will be tested.

General Grievous: Do not worry, my lord. I will destroy every jedi that comes my way. 

Count Dooku: As much as I want to believe that, general, I am afraid you have vastly overestimated your own abilities. Your training has only begun. You must possess patience. 

General Grievous: As you wish, my lord. 

Count Dooku: Return to Serenno. Our next lesson shall begin soon. 

The scene cuts to a large group of jedi observing the events via a hologram. 

Obi-Wan Kenobi: This is horrifying. Masters Udon and Roj were some of the greatest in our order. And they were slaughtered so ruthlessly with all odds against them. Who is this mechanical beast, master Yoda? Could it perhaps be Dooku’s apprentice? If so, then, according to the rule of two, there is no place for this mysterious Darth Sidious Dooku spoke of. 

Mace Windu: I do not believe that this assassin is a sith lord. He is too weak and sloppy. The only reason he even managed to defeat our knights is because of how seriously wounded they were. 

Yoda: Weak, this new droid general may be. But a potential to be stronger he has. Brought to justice he must be before more chaos he brings forth. 

Ki Adi Mundi: I believe it is essential that we dispatch one of our knights to locate and capture this menace. 

Yoda: I agree. 

Obi-Wan Kenobi: All that remains is to decide who will go on this mission. 

Mace Windu: If there are no objections, I wish to take on this task. My master Cyslin Mir was the apprentice of Yoda. Grievous’ master Dooku was also once the apprentice of Yoda. I feel it is only right that we test who has learned more. 

The jedi nod their heads in agreement. Cut to Grievous's shuttle arriving at Serenno. As Grievous walks out, several magnaguards greet him and escort him out. Grievous enters an elevator and arrives at count dooku’s throne room. 

Grievous bows

Grievous: I am here, my lord. 

Count Dooku: Very well, general. You have arrived at a perfect time. I have prepared everything necessary for our next session. 

The magnaguards unexpectedly attack Grievous

Grievous: Ah!!! What is this treachery?

Count Dooku: Did you think that I would once more give you a blatant saber duel? Your enemies will not be fair! You must prepare yourself for the most unexpected!

Grievous slices the magnaguards and attempts to strike down Dooku. Dooku force pushes him into the wall, destroying 2 of his arms. Grievous once more attempts to attack Dooku. 

Dooku: Why are you attacking me? The odds are not on your side. You must retreat! 

Grievous turns around and runs away

Dooku force jumps and puts his sabers against Grievous’s neck

Grievous: And thus ends the life of General Grievous. All because of how slow and foolish you were. Your ambition clouds your judgement. It seems I no longer need to teach you duelling, general. Rather, I have to teach you restraint. 

A green protocol droid approaches

Droid: I am extremely sorry to disturb you, Count. But Lord Sidious wishes to speak with you and the general immediately. 

Count Dooku: Then let us not waste our time. Put the transmission through. 

A hologram of Sidious appears

Grievous: Who is this, Count?

Dooku: This is my master, Darth Sidious. 

Darth Sidious: General Grievous. My apprentice has told me much about your abilities. I am impressed. But there is still much more that you need to do. 

Grievous: What do you want from me?

Darth Sidious: There is a planet in the outer rim native to the kowakian monkey lizard species. Kowak. Thousands of years ago, during the rule of the sith, a monk of the Shelkovix clan stole a holocron from the temple on Malachor. He enchanted it with a spell. A spell that would make certain that no force sensitive being with a high midichlorian count would be able to take it from him. No sith has been able to return this ancient relic. But it seems like you are exactly what I need to achieve this task. You possess the required abilities to pass through all of the traps within the clan’s temple but do not have a strong midichlorian count. You cannot use the force. The spell will not affect you. If you succeed in this task, your reward will be greater than you can possibly imagine. 

Grievous: I will depart for Kowak immediately, Lord Sidious. 

Sidious: Good. Lord Tyrannus, I wish to speak privately with you. You may leave us now, general. 

Grievous leaves. 

Grievous sits into his ship and flies off. Cut to Mace Windu arriving at the underground levels of Coruscant. 

Random gotal beggar: Please, give me some credits. I can’t afford anything!

Mace Windu (mind tricking): You will no longer be a beggar. 

Random gotal beggar: I will no longer be a beggar. 

Mace Windu (mind tricking): You will find a job for yourself. 

Random gotal beggar: I will find a job for myself.

Random gotal beggar walks off. Mace Windu enters a bar with a si mithrian, fat sullustan and swokes swokes playing a tune. Mace walks towards an aqualish bartender. 

Aqualish (subtitles): What do you want? Bantha milk, jawa juice, jabba juice, moof juice, 

Mace Windu (interrupting): I have come seeking information. 

Aqualish: What sort of information?

Mace Windu: Regarding the current location of a new droid general. 

Aqualish: And how would anyone in here know of such things?

Mace Windu: News spread unbelievably quickly in the criminal underworld. Gossip is never to be underestimated. 

Aqualish: But you are overestimating it. Now get out of this bar! Your kind are not welcome here!

Mace Windu: What kind are you referring to?

Durge (from behind): Jedi. 

Mace Windu: Perhaps I am. Is there a problem?

Durge: No, of course not. I overheard you babbling on about a new droid general. My name is Durge. I’m an experienced bounty hunter. Worked a lot with Dooku and still do. So I know some separatist information. Which I am willing to give away… for enough credits. 

Mace Windu: How can I be sure that you are not deceiving me?

Durge: I’m a bounty hunter. Not Dooku’s pet. Whoever gives the most money - is my boss. 

Cut to Grievous arriving at the planet of Kowak. He walks out of his ship and walks through the forest. He comes towards an old man sitting in the middle of the forest. 

Grievous: Are you Wish Baracack? 

Wish Baracack: I may be blind on the outside but inside I see everything. I see your inner darkness. Your evil. But beneath it… your cowardice. Your fear. Your concern. That is why you hide beneath all of those cybernetics, is it not? To defend yourself against the world you fear so much. And pretend to be stronger than you really are. 

Grievous: Enough chatter, you fool! If you know so much about me, then you must know why I am here. I seek an ancient sith holocron. You are the only living being to know its location. 

Wish Baracack: And what makes you think that?

Grievous: You stole it from a temple on Malachor thousands of years ago. Tell me where it is now. Or you will die. 

Wish Baracack: One does not fear death when he has lived for over a hundred of centuries. 

Grievous: Then you will live in constant suffering. So tell me where the holocron is located. 

Wish Baracack: In the unknown regions

                          Extremely far

                          There is a certain 

                         Shiny star

                         Beneath the star there are five planets 

                         The one you need is made of granite

Grievous: I came for answers, not for riddles. 

Wish Baracack: I pity how close-minded you are. 

Wish Baracack disappears. 

Grievous: What sorcery is this? Where is the holocron? Answer me, you stupid mystic!

Mace Windu appears from behind 

Mace Windu: You really should stop with the screaming. The wildlife can easily be disturbed. And on a planet so filled with it, it is crucial to keep the volume of your voice at an appropriate level. 

Grievous: Jedi filth. 

Mace Windu: I am Mace Windu of the jedi council. From what I understand, you are Grievous, the new droid general in the separatist alliance. 

Grievous: I am your worst fear!

Mace Windu: On the contrary, I may be your greatest fear. 

Grievous: Let us put that to the test. 

Mace activates his saber, Grievous drops his cloak, takes out his 4 arms and activates 4 sabers. 

A lightsaber duel begins. After some fighting, Mace manages to cut off all of Grievous’s artificial limbs. Grievous begins quickly crawling away like a spider. Mace runs after him.

Mace (in a more sarcastic Samuel L Jackson voice, not typical for Mace): Hey! Where are you going, you knobby white ice spider? Ah?

Grievous jumps on his wheel and drives off. Mace grabs a vine and begins swinging on trees like Tarzan to pursue Grievous. 

Grievous jumps off the wheel and runs into his ship, flying off the planet. Mace stares into the distance, seeing the ship leave. Mace presses a few buttons on a device.

Mace Windu: Mace reporting. Unfortunate situation. General Grievous has managed to escape. 

Grievous is flying towards the third moon of Vassek. A hologram of Count Dooku appears inside the ship. 

Count Dooku: General. Were you able to retrieve the holocron? 

General Grievous: Not yet! A jedi knight attacked me on Kowak. I was able to escape but I will need to repair myself in my castle on the third moon of Vassek. After getting the necessary repairs, I will continue with my mission. 

Count Dooku: Make sure that there are no further delays, general. Lord Sidious is becoming most impatient. 

General Grievous: I do not care about your master’s patience! I will do what is needed but I will not be rushed!

Count Dooku: Be careful, general. Did you forget who gave you all of your cybernetic enhancements? Who turned you into the leader that brings fear into every jedi’s eyes? What would you be without me?

Grievous turns off the transmission and lands near his castle. 

Grievous enters the castle and is approached by EV-A4-D. 

EV-A4-D: Master. I did not expect for you to arrive here so soon. But, given your dreadful current state, I am not surprised. Look at you - you look like the worst droid a jawa on Tatooine has collected in over a year. 

General Grievous: Enough with the quips! I am no droid! Fix me. 

EV-A4-D: No problem, master. Please follow me. I had your gigantic pet fed. Almost ripped off my arms, you really should not keep him around. 

General Grievous: Don’t you dare insult Gor! Get me repaired so that I can carry on!

EV-A4-D: Momentarily. 

Grievous screams as his cybernetics are peeled off and a new set of armour is placed upon him. 

General Grievous is then put up, “rhyming” Vader being put up when the suit is placed upon him and he walks off. 

Ev-A4-D (as the door closes): Not even a thank you? Count Dooku, you gave me the worst job in the confederacy’s history.

Cut to Grievous flying through space. We hear the narration of WIsh Baracack’s voice as Grievous is looking for the planet he needs. Suddenly, Grievous realizes what planet he is pursuing and jumps to hyperspace towards it. He jumps out of hyperspace and flies towards Nogiqui. He lands on the surface of Nogiqui and walks out of his ship. 

Grievous (screaming in extreme frustration): I have found the planet! But where do I go? Where do I find the sith holocron? 

Mysterious voice: Ta zov zam deer baina. 

Grievous: Who are you?

Mysterious voice: Ene ni khamaagüi. Bi chamd tuslakhyg khicheedeg khötöch khün. Chamaig kholokron khaij baigaag bi mederch baina. Ta jyedi bish. Sit ch bish. Gekhdee ta khüchtei.

Grievous: Where is it?

Mysterious voice: Follow the kohoons. 

Some kohoons begin crawling. Grievous follows them as a spider. He then crawls into an enormous temple. He sees a holocron, being rotated by a ray of light. A dark cloaked figure approaches. 

Dark Figure: You are Grievous. Once known as Ruma Matash. A proud Kaleesh warrior - one who chose to become a cyborg. 

General Grievous: It does not matter to me whether you know who I am. I have come for the holocron. And you will not stop me. 

Dark Figure: I may not. But we shall. 

Several other dark figures enter out of the dark. Grievous laughs and takes out his sabers. A duel begins. After Grievous defeats most of the figures, the 3 remaining stand still and turn into dust. Grievous is confused. Count Dooku enters. 

Count Dooku: Congratulations, General. You are stronger than I assumed. 

General Grievous: What? 

Count Dooku looks confused

General Grievous: How are you here? Why are you here? You sent me to retrieve the sith holocron!

Count Dooku approaches the holocron and takes it 

Count Dooku: This? My friend, this is nothing more than a simple trinket. A fabrication. A test. 

Count Dooku squashes the holocron to bits. 

Grievous (angrilly): What??? Why do all of this, Count? What is the purpose of this witch hunt?

Count Dooku: To test your capabilities. Remember - I want you to be a general, not only a jedi killer. A wise leader needs to possess intuition and knowledge. I was questioning yours but it seems as if you succeeded in putting the puzzle together. 

General Grievous: So this was all a useless game? You have wasted my time! 

Count Dooku: Wasted your time? You managed to face Master Windu himself - one of the most important knights on the jedi council. And you lived to fight another day. Few would have the opportunity to tell the tale. 

General Grievous: Perhaps you are right. 

Count Dooku: Now, general, it is time for you to regather your strength. You are hereby placed in command of a new CIS weapon - the Malevolance. This is a great responsibility. Not one to be taken lightly. 

General Grievous: And I am ready for it. 

Cut to Mace Windu arriving back at the Jedi temple. He enters the jedi council chambers. 

Yoda: Master Windu. Failed in your assignment you have, we take it?

Mace Windu: As sad as it is for me to admit it , I have. This general Grievous was far from powerful. His strength was purely based on intimidation of others. In truth he was nothing more than a coward, but one who knew the best ways to escape a battle. I was unable to capture him.

Yoda: Most upsetting this is. While cowardly this mechanical creature may be, his influence we cannot underestimate. Leads a huge army of droids he now does. And predict where next he will strike at our republic’s heart we cannot.