“The Incredible Inspector” English Dub – purchase online

11 months after the subtitled Russian version of “The Incredible Inspector” went on sale in June of 2021, Youtuber/ Film director Alexander Malinin has finally completed and published his brand new project – the film’s English dub! This version, while more expensive to purchase, is far more comfortable for viewers who’d prefer to view it in English + has additional bonus footage AND (what’s best of all) IMPROVES on many unsatisfactory shots of the original!!! What’s there not to enjoy???

Promotional material used for the dub:

  1. Official English trailer 1

2) Official English trailer 2

3) Youtube announcement/ inspirational advertisement

4) Twitter clip, establishing the main fictional antagonist of the film “The Boss

5) Clip on Twitter sharing the experiences of many viewers all around the globe and from all sorts of countries in regards to what they thought about the film

6) Clip on Twitter, discussing the film’s main star and the person who dubs him

7) Clip on Twitter, naming examples of some of the film’s main cast members

All promotional material for the “Incredible Inspector”


“The Incredible Inspector” is a short, independent film of the murder mystery/action/ thriller genre, that was completed in January of 2021 and publicly released in June of the same year. It follows the adventures of an elderly but, nonetheless, active, competent, confident and charismatic lead – Inspector Andreev. The film can be viewed online as many times as you’d want to for a mere total of 3 dollars!!! Consider purchasing it through Vimeo:

Official trailer:

1) Official landscape poster

This poster was used as the banner for the official Twitter page of the film, the thumbnail for the trailer and the film’s page on Vimeo!

2) Official portrait poster (Russian)

This poster was used as the film’s promotion for film festivals and Alexander Malinin’s premiere guests.

3) Official portrait poster (English)

This poster was used for Vimeo and most Twitter promotion.

4) Alexander Loskutnykov as the “Incredible” Inspector Andreev

This image was used as a template for most of the posters as well as a standalone image for several tweets. It is a behind the scenes photo from an unsuccessful take.
An image used for Twitter promotion. Zoomed in from a frame in the film.
This image was used for Twitter promotion. It is an image of Alexander Loskutnykov a year after the completion of filming, reuniting with director Alexander Malinin.
This image for used for the display of the film’s cast and crew. It is from a frame in the movie.

Inspector Andreev in car (Behind The Scenes fragment)

Alexander Loskutnykov in grass (Behind the Scenes fragment)

Alexander Loskutnykov’s full interview in regards to his role, several months after the film’s release.

Director Alexander Malinin’s comments on Alexander Loskutnykov’s performance

5) Nadezhda Agafonicova as Tatyana Vasylyevna

Promotional interview: Nadezhda discusses Tatyana Vasylyevna and the bandit she played

Nadezhda as Tatyana (clip from film)

6) Ads for the villains/antagonists

Official promotional image of “The Boss” used for landscape poster

The Boss’s first scene (promotional extract from the film)

The Boss prepares for shooting scene (Behind The Scenes clip)

The Boss and his gang (Behind The Scenes clip)

Behind the scenes image of actresses Nadezhda Agafonicova, Tatyana Lichikaki and Tamara Agafonicova playing the evil crooks.

Another behind the scenes image of the crooks.

Behind the scenes image of Vitaly Malinin and Tatyana Malinina (playing the two villains) preparing to shoot their scene. Used for Twitter promotion.

7) Actors viewing the film

This video was used for promotion on Twitter.

8) Alexander Malinin presents the film

Used on Twitter and Youtube

Used on Twitter

Used on Youtube and Twitter

Used on Youtube and Twitter

Used on Twitter

9) Nadezhda and Alexander Malinin talk

Used on Twitter

10) The official pages

Official Twitter page:

11) Early on set interviews

Used on Twitter

12) Behind The Scenes after scene clips

Used on Twitter

13) The costs of making the film

Video displaying all the money spent on making the film the phenomena it turned out to be

If you have checked everything out and enjoyed what you saw, I ask you… no, I BEG you… please give the film a watch to see the immense level of effort, creativity, fun, finances, resources and time that me and the crew contributed!!!

Thank you, you are all the best and I could not wish for better supporters!!!

Watch “The Incredible Inspector” online

The following link can be used to purchase the “Incredible Inspector”. A thrilling, experimental and unusual mystery story with a quick pace, plenty of fantastic moments and an unpredictable and exciting conclusion:


Alexander Loskutnykov as Inspector Andreev

Oleg Agafonicov as Michael Revill

Nadezhda Agafonicova as Tatyana Vasylyevna

Yana Malinina as Ulia Anatolyevna

Vitaly Malinin as Simon

Kristina Arevadze as news broadcaster

Ksenia Panchenko as news broadcaster (voice)

Michael Holopenko as Eduard Hrapa

Nadezhda Agafonicova as bandit in blue hat

Tatyana Lichikaki as bandit in red dress

Tamara Agafonicova as bandit in hat with feather

“The Incredible Inspector” full cast and crew

“Прекрасный Детектив” все актеры

Александр Лоскутников – Детектив Андреев/Прекрасный Детектив

Alexander Loskutnykov – Inspector Andreev/ The Incredible Inspector

Виталий Малинин – руки детектива (дополнительные кадры)

Vitaly Malinin – Inspector’s hands (additional shots)

Аня Агафоникова – Каскадер Детектива

Anya Agafonicova – Inspector’s stuntman

Олег Агафоников – Михаил Бозлоев

Oleg Agafonicov – Michael Rievil

Надежда Агафоникова – Татьяна Васильевна

Nadezhda Agafonicova – Tatiana Vasylevna

Яна Малинина – Юлия Анатольевна

Yana Anatolyevna – Ulia Anatolyevna

Виталий Малинин – Семён

Vitaly Malinin – Simon

Михаил Холопенко – Эдуард Хряпа Michael Holopenko – Eduard Hrapa

Александр Малинин – Эдуард Хряпа (озвучка)

Alexander Malinin – Eduard Hrapa (ADR)

Кристина Аревадзе – Телеведущая

Kristina Arevadze – News broadcaster

Ксения Панченко – телеведущая (озвучка)

Ksenia Panchenko – news broadcaster (ADR)

Татьяна Личикаки – бандит 3

Tatiana Lichikaki – bandit 3

Тамара Агафоникова – бандит 2

Tamara Agafonicova – bandit 2

Надежда Агафоникова – Бандит 1

Nadezhda Agafonicova – Bandit 1

Аня Банная – бандит 1 (озвучка)

Ana Bannaya – bandit 1 (ADR)

Виталий Малинин – Поддельный член группы “Правильная Земля”

Vitaly Malinin – Fake member of the “Proper Earth” group

Татьяна Малинина – террорист 1

Tatiana Malinina – Terrorist 1

Милана Малинина – террорист 1 (озвучка)

Milana Malinina – terrorist 1 (ADR)

Виталий Малинин – Террорист 2

Vitaly Malinin – Terrorist 2

Яна Малинина – доктор

Yana Malinina – doctor

Григорий Новичков – мальчик 1

Grigory Novichkov – boy 1

Петр Панченко – мальчик 2

Peter Panchenko – boy 2

Даниил Алиев – телезритель

Daniel Aliev – TV viewer

Кошка Муся – кошка Муся

cat Musa – cat Musa

Елена Ерохина – дополнительный бандит

Elena Erohina – additional bandit

Яна Малинина – сумасшедший бандит

Yana Malinina – crazy bandit

Яна Малинина – строгий бандит

Yana Malinina – strict bandit

Виталий Малинин – строгий бандит (озвучка)

Vitaly Malinin – strict bandit (ADR)

Милана Малинина – агент Томского Федерального Бюро

Milana Malinina – agent of the Tomsk Federal Bureau

Александр Малинин – режиссер

Alexander Malinin – director

Александр Малинин – сценарист

Alexander Malinin – screenwriter

Александр Малинин – оператор постановщик

Alexander Malinin – director of photography

Виталий Малинин – продюсер

Vitaly Malinin – producer

Надежда Агафоникова – второй режиссер

Nadezhda Agafonicova – First assistant of director

Александр Малинин – художник постановщик

Alexander Malinin – art director

Александр Малинин – монтажер

Alexander Malinin – editor

Майкл Пишер – композитор (главная тема, прибытие детектива)

Michael Picher – composer (main theme, Inspector’s arrival)

Корбиниан Галлоуэй – композитор (тема босса, убийство Михаила, тема “Правильной Земли”, нападение на больницу, расстрел Детектива)

Korbinian Galloway – composer (The Boss’s theme, Michael’s murder, “The Proper Earth” theme, hospital massacre, attacking the inspector)

Александр Малинин – колорист

Alexander Malinin – colorist

Алексей – колорист

Alexey – colorist

Александр Малинин – визуальные эффекты Alexander Malinin – visual effects

Алексей – визуальные эффекты Alexey – visual effects

Если вы хотите посмотреть фильм целиком, я рекомендую купить его с Английскими субтитрами (со временем выйдут версии без субтитров и с Английской озвучкой) на Вимео: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/incredibleinspector

If you wish to view the full short film, I strongly recommend purchasing it on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/incredibleinspector