The complete “General Grievous: An Animated Fan Film script”

The animated fan film which I very recently released, called “General Grievous”, has become a MAJOR success on the YouTube platform! Many of the commenters on the video have shared their enjoyment of the film’s cast, charm and story. Now that it has been out for a fair bit of days, this post gives you access to the full, final draft of the script. This version of the screenplay was used by the actors, editors and myself as the director. In it, you’ll be able to find all of the stage directions as well as the lines and moments that didn’t make it into the final cut or were, for a variety of reasons, slightly altered. Enjoy!

Opening crawl:

Three weeks have passed since the Battle of Geonosis. Much to the dismay of the jedi knights, the Clone Wars have carried on across the galaxy and engulfed thousands of worlds. With no choice but to protect the Republic and its leaders, the jedi lead enormous armies of clone troopers into battles. 

A war has started above the peaceful planet of Hypori. In an attempt to protect the senate’s investment in the world, a large squad of jedi under the leadership of jedi master Ara Ing Udon has been dispatched.

But as the peaceful protectors defend the planet against the enemies’ forces, they know not what awaits them on the surface… a new assassin of the tyrannical Count Dooku… 

The film starts with an enormous separatist flagship flying into frame. Afterwards, several republic fighters appear and the virtual camera follows them as they begin firing at vulture droids.  

Clone Trooper: There are 3 vulture droids on my tail! I cannot maneuver… 

The clone’s fighter gets blown to bits. 

Cut to inside a republic cruiser with Jedi knights Ara Ing Udon, Sung Am, Nekl Aws and Nesneg Roj looking out of the cruiser’s window and onto the battle. 

Sung Am: Master! How can we possibly win? The enemy has us completely outmatched! We must withdraw, otherwise no one will survive!

Ara Ing Udon puts his head down in disbelief

Ara Ing Udon: Hypori is crucial for our victory in the clone war. If we leave now, there will be no chance in saving its inhabitants. 

Sung Am: There is no chance at all anymore! But if we do not flee, we will die along with those on the surface. 

Nesneg Roj: I’m afraid that padawan Am is right, Master Udon. There are seventy eight thousand separatist cruisers attacking us. Our chances of survival are below minimal. We must evacuate immediately. 

Ara Ing Udon (reluctantly): Alright! (to clone trooper) Commander Brown - start up the hyperdrive generator. We are exiting the system immediately. 

Commander Brown: Yes, sir! As you wish, sir!

The hyperdrive starts up. There is a camera moving from the bridge of the republic cruiser, to space, to the bridge of the separatist cruiser. 

Battle droid: Sir. The main republic cruiser has started up its hyperdrive generator. We believe they may be attempting to flee. 

Tactical Droid: We cannot let the jedi escape. This entire battle’s purpose is in luring the jedi onto the planet’s surface. Destroy the hyperdrive generator. 

Battle droid: Roger roger

The battle droid presses some buttons and a cannon fires at the hyperdrive of the republic’s cruiser. 

Clone Trooper: General Udon! Our hyperdrive has been destroyed! We cannot jump to lightspeed! 

Ara Ing Udon: In that case, we have no choice. We must crash land on the planet. 

Clone Trooper: Sir! The ship is terribly damaged! The chances of survival in case of a crash are extremely minimal. 

Ara Ing Udon: But is there any other choice?

The cruiser turns upside down and begins crashing into the atmosphere and burning up. We see the inside of the ship, with glass breaking and the ship burning, many clones dying. At last it hits the ground. 

There is a shot of the inside of the ship. We see the dead bodies of many clones as well as Ara Ing Udon. Sung Am is coughing due to his serious injury, with blood spilling everywhere. 

Sung Am (barely breathing, coughing, struggling to speak): Master Roj. We are doomed. Master Udon is dead. I am almost one with the force too. 

Nesneg Roj: No, padawan Am. We will get you to a medical station. All that is left is to find a way to contact reinforcements to pick us up. But you cannot give up! You must have the spirit to keep on fighting! To keep on living! 

Sung Am: Alright (coughs)

Suddenly, there is a very loud and powerful explosion and many clones are blown up (insert Wilhelm scream) as an enormous droid gunship flies in. 

Nesneg Roj grabs Sung Am and runs away to hide in a more covered spot. A battle droid on a speeder flies in and begins blasting the jedi. Nesneg Roj activates his saber and deflects the blaster, causing the droid to be blown to bits. The camera follows the pieces of the droid being blown up. Nesneg Roj takes a heavy breath. An enormous amount of super battle droids begin approaching and firing at the remains of the republic cruiser. The jedi try to hide from the large amount of lasers. A dwarf spider droid fires a laser into the sky and it lands into the ground, causing shrapnel to further damage the jedi. Suddenly, the super battle droids turn their hands around. There is silence. They then walk away, with all ships flying away. 

Sung Am (barely able to speak): Master Roj. Why did they retreat? 

Nesneg Roj: I do not know. It does not make much sense. But I sense a greater darkness is still approaching. We must reserve our strength. 

A separatist shuttle flies in and lands. General grievous enters. The camera shows a shadow of him brutally slaughtering the two jedi. Grievous picks up the sabers and opens up a hologram of Count Dooku. 

Count Dooku: General. Have you completed your mission?

General Grievous: Yes, Count Dooku. 

Count Dooku: Then Master Nesneg Roj and padawan Sung Am are no longer alive?

General Grievous: Yes. They are one with the force. Worthy of recognition in the jedi order. 

Count Dooku: I am impressed. But now that news of your existence will reach the jedi council, your full potential will be tested.

General Grievous: Do not worry, my lord. I will destroy every jedi that comes my way. 

Count Dooku: As much as I want to believe that, general, I am afraid you have vastly overestimated your own abilities. Your training has only begun. You must possess patience. 

General Grievous: As you wish, my lord. 

Count Dooku: Return to Serenno. Our next lesson shall begin soon. 

The scene cuts to a large group of jedi observing the events via a hologram. 

Obi-Wan Kenobi: This is horrifying. Masters Udon and Roj were some of the greatest in our order. And they were slaughtered so ruthlessly with all odds against them. Who is this mechanical beast, master Yoda? Could it perhaps be Dooku’s apprentice? If so, then, according to the rule of two, there is no place for this mysterious Darth Sidious Dooku spoke of. 

Mace Windu: I do not believe that this assassin is a sith lord. He is too weak and sloppy. The only reason he even managed to defeat our knights is because of how seriously wounded they were. 

Yoda: Weak, this new droid general may be. But a potential to be stronger he has. Brought to justice he must be before more chaos he brings forth. 

Ki Adi Mundi: I believe it is essential that we dispatch one of our knights to locate and capture this menace. 

Yoda: I agree. 

Obi-Wan Kenobi: All that remains is to decide who will go on this mission. 

Mace Windu: If there are no objections, I wish to take on this task. My master Cyslin Mir was the apprentice of Yoda. Grievous’ master Dooku was also once the apprentice of Yoda. I feel it is only right that we test who has learned more. 

The jedi nod their heads in agreement. Cut to Grievous's shuttle arriving at Serenno. As Grievous walks out, several magnaguards greet him and escort him out. Grievous enters an elevator and arrives at count dooku’s throne room. 

Grievous bows

Grievous: I am here, my lord. 

Count Dooku: Very well, general. You have arrived at a perfect time. I have prepared everything necessary for our next session. 

The magnaguards unexpectedly attack Grievous

Grievous: Ah!!! What is this treachery?

Count Dooku: Did you think that I would once more give you a blatant saber duel? Your enemies will not be fair! You must prepare yourself for the most unexpected!

Grievous slices the magnaguards and attempts to strike down Dooku. Dooku force pushes him into the wall, destroying 2 of his arms. Grievous once more attempts to attack Dooku. 

Dooku: Why are you attacking me? The odds are not on your side. You must retreat! 

Grievous turns around and runs away

Dooku force jumps and puts his sabers against Grievous’s neck

Grievous: And thus ends the life of General Grievous. All because of how slow and foolish you were. Your ambition clouds your judgement. It seems I no longer need to teach you duelling, general. Rather, I have to teach you restraint. 

A green protocol droid approaches

Droid: I am extremely sorry to disturb you, Count. But Lord Sidious wishes to speak with you and the general immediately. 

Count Dooku: Then let us not waste our time. Put the transmission through. 

A hologram of Sidious appears

Grievous: Who is this, Count?

Dooku: This is my master, Darth Sidious. 

Darth Sidious: General Grievous. My apprentice has told me much about your abilities. I am impressed. But there is still much more that you need to do. 

Grievous: What do you want from me?

Darth Sidious: There is a planet in the outer rim native to the kowakian monkey lizard species. Kowak. Thousands of years ago, during the rule of the sith, a monk of the Shelkovix clan stole a holocron from the temple on Malachor. He enchanted it with a spell. A spell that would make certain that no force sensitive being with a high midichlorian count would be able to take it from him. No sith has been able to return this ancient relic. But it seems like you are exactly what I need to achieve this task. You possess the required abilities to pass through all of the traps within the clan’s temple but do not have a strong midichlorian count. You cannot use the force. The spell will not affect you. If you succeed in this task, your reward will be greater than you can possibly imagine. 

Grievous: I will depart for Kowak immediately, Lord Sidious. 

Sidious: Good. Lord Tyrannus, I wish to speak privately with you. You may leave us now, general. 

Grievous leaves. 

Grievous sits into his ship and flies off. Cut to Mace Windu arriving at the underground levels of Coruscant. 

Random gotal beggar: Please, give me some credits. I can’t afford anything!

Mace Windu (mind tricking): You will no longer be a beggar. 

Random gotal beggar: I will no longer be a beggar. 

Mace Windu (mind tricking): You will find a job for yourself. 

Random gotal beggar: I will find a job for myself.

Random gotal beggar walks off. Mace Windu enters a bar with a si mithrian, fat sullustan and swokes swokes playing a tune. Mace walks towards an aqualish bartender. 

Aqualish (subtitles): What do you want? Bantha milk, jawa juice, jabba juice, moof juice, 

Mace Windu (interrupting): I have come seeking information. 

Aqualish: What sort of information?

Mace Windu: Regarding the current location of a new droid general. 

Aqualish: And how would anyone in here know of such things?

Mace Windu: News spread unbelievably quickly in the criminal underworld. Gossip is never to be underestimated. 

Aqualish: But you are overestimating it. Now get out of this bar! Your kind are not welcome here!

Mace Windu: What kind are you referring to?

Durge (from behind): Jedi. 

Mace Windu: Perhaps I am. Is there a problem?

Durge: No, of course not. I overheard you babbling on about a new droid general. My name is Durge. I’m an experienced bounty hunter. Worked a lot with Dooku and still do. So I know some separatist information. Which I am willing to give away… for enough credits. 

Mace Windu: How can I be sure that you are not deceiving me?

Durge: I’m a bounty hunter. Not Dooku’s pet. Whoever gives the most money - is my boss. 

Cut to Grievous arriving at the planet of Kowak. He walks out of his ship and walks through the forest. He comes towards an old man sitting in the middle of the forest. 

Grievous: Are you Wish Baracack? 

Wish Baracack: I may be blind on the outside but inside I see everything. I see your inner darkness. Your evil. But beneath it… your cowardice. Your fear. Your concern. That is why you hide beneath all of those cybernetics, is it not? To defend yourself against the world you fear so much. And pretend to be stronger than you really are. 

Grievous: Enough chatter, you fool! If you know so much about me, then you must know why I am here. I seek an ancient sith holocron. You are the only living being to know its location. 

Wish Baracack: And what makes you think that?

Grievous: You stole it from a temple on Malachor thousands of years ago. Tell me where it is now. Or you will die. 

Wish Baracack: One does not fear death when he has lived for over a hundred of centuries. 

Grievous: Then you will live in constant suffering. So tell me where the holocron is located. 

Wish Baracack: In the unknown regions

                          Extremely far

                          There is a certain 

                         Shiny star

                         Beneath the star there are five planets 

                         The one you need is made of granite

Grievous: I came for answers, not for riddles. 

Wish Baracack: I pity how close-minded you are. 

Wish Baracack disappears. 

Grievous: What sorcery is this? Where is the holocron? Answer me, you stupid mystic!

Mace Windu appears from behind 

Mace Windu: You really should stop with the screaming. The wildlife can easily be disturbed. And on a planet so filled with it, it is crucial to keep the volume of your voice at an appropriate level. 

Grievous: Jedi filth. 

Mace Windu: I am Mace Windu of the jedi council. From what I understand, you are Grievous, the new droid general in the separatist alliance. 

Grievous: I am your worst fear!

Mace Windu: On the contrary, I may be your greatest fear. 

Grievous: Let us put that to the test. 

Mace activates his saber, Grievous drops his cloak, takes out his 4 arms and activates 4 sabers. 

A lightsaber duel begins. After some fighting, Mace manages to cut off all of Grievous’s artificial limbs. Grievous begins quickly crawling away like a spider. Mace runs after him.

Mace (in a more sarcastic Samuel L Jackson voice, not typical for Mace): Hey! Where are you going, you knobby white ice spider? Ah?

Grievous jumps on his wheel and drives off. Mace grabs a vine and begins swinging on trees like Tarzan to pursue Grievous. 

Grievous jumps off the wheel and runs into his ship, flying off the planet. Mace stares into the distance, seeing the ship leave. Mace presses a few buttons on a device.

Mace Windu: Mace reporting. Unfortunate situation. General Grievous has managed to escape. 

Grievous is flying towards the third moon of Vassek. A hologram of Count Dooku appears inside the ship. 

Count Dooku: General. Were you able to retrieve the holocron? 

General Grievous: Not yet! A jedi knight attacked me on Kowak. I was able to escape but I will need to repair myself in my castle on the third moon of Vassek. After getting the necessary repairs, I will continue with my mission. 

Count Dooku: Make sure that there are no further delays, general. Lord Sidious is becoming most impatient. 

General Grievous: I do not care about your master’s patience! I will do what is needed but I will not be rushed!

Count Dooku: Be careful, general. Did you forget who gave you all of your cybernetic enhancements? Who turned you into the leader that brings fear into every jedi’s eyes? What would you be without me?

Grievous turns off the transmission and lands near his castle. 

Grievous enters the castle and is approached by EV-A4-D. 

EV-A4-D: Master. I did not expect for you to arrive here so soon. But, given your dreadful current state, I am not surprised. Look at you - you look like the worst droid a jawa on Tatooine has collected in over a year. 

General Grievous: Enough with the quips! I am no droid! Fix me. 

EV-A4-D: No problem, master. Please follow me. I had your gigantic pet fed. Almost ripped off my arms, you really should not keep him around. 

General Grievous: Don’t you dare insult Gor! Get me repaired so that I can carry on!

EV-A4-D: Momentarily. 

Grievous screams as his cybernetics are peeled off and a new set of armour is placed upon him. 

General Grievous is then put up, “rhyming” Vader being put up when the suit is placed upon him and he walks off. 

Ev-A4-D (as the door closes): Not even a thank you? Count Dooku, you gave me the worst job in the confederacy’s history.

Cut to Grievous flying through space. We hear the narration of WIsh Baracack’s voice as Grievous is looking for the planet he needs. Suddenly, Grievous realizes what planet he is pursuing and jumps to hyperspace towards it. He jumps out of hyperspace and flies towards Nogiqui. He lands on the surface of Nogiqui and walks out of his ship. 

Grievous (screaming in extreme frustration): I have found the planet! But where do I go? Where do I find the sith holocron? 

Mysterious voice: Ta zov zam deer baina. 

Grievous: Who are you?

Mysterious voice: Ene ni khamaagüi. Bi chamd tuslakhyg khicheedeg khötöch khün. Chamaig kholokron khaij baigaag bi mederch baina. Ta jyedi bish. Sit ch bish. Gekhdee ta khüchtei.

Grievous: Where is it?

Mysterious voice: Follow the kohoons. 

Some kohoons begin crawling. Grievous follows them as a spider. He then crawls into an enormous temple. He sees a holocron, being rotated by a ray of light. A dark cloaked figure approaches. 

Dark Figure: You are Grievous. Once known as Ruma Matash. A proud Kaleesh warrior - one who chose to become a cyborg. 

General Grievous: It does not matter to me whether you know who I am. I have come for the holocron. And you will not stop me. 

Dark Figure: I may not. But we shall. 

Several other dark figures enter out of the dark. Grievous laughs and takes out his sabers. A duel begins. After Grievous defeats most of the figures, the 3 remaining stand still and turn into dust. Grievous is confused. Count Dooku enters. 

Count Dooku: Congratulations, General. You are stronger than I assumed. 

General Grievous: What? 

Count Dooku looks confused

General Grievous: How are you here? Why are you here? You sent me to retrieve the sith holocron!

Count Dooku approaches the holocron and takes it 

Count Dooku: This? My friend, this is nothing more than a simple trinket. A fabrication. A test. 

Count Dooku squashes the holocron to bits. 

Grievous (angrilly): What??? Why do all of this, Count? What is the purpose of this witch hunt?

Count Dooku: To test your capabilities. Remember - I want you to be a general, not only a jedi killer. A wise leader needs to possess intuition and knowledge. I was questioning yours but it seems as if you succeeded in putting the puzzle together. 

General Grievous: So this was all a useless game? You have wasted my time! 

Count Dooku: Wasted your time? You managed to face Master Windu himself - one of the most important knights on the jedi council. And you lived to fight another day. Few would have the opportunity to tell the tale. 

General Grievous: Perhaps you are right. 

Count Dooku: Now, general, it is time for you to regather your strength. You are hereby placed in command of a new CIS weapon - the Malevolance. This is a great responsibility. Not one to be taken lightly. 

General Grievous: And I am ready for it. 

Cut to Mace Windu arriving back at the Jedi temple. He enters the jedi council chambers. 

Yoda: Master Windu. Failed in your assignment you have, we take it?

Mace Windu: As sad as it is for me to admit it , I have. This general Grievous was far from powerful. His strength was purely based on intimidation of others. In truth he was nothing more than a coward, but one who knew the best ways to escape a battle. I was unable to capture him.

Yoda: Most upsetting this is. While cowardly this mechanical creature may be, his influence we cannot underestimate. Leads a huge army of droids he now does. And predict where next he will strike at our republic’s heart we cannot. 

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