All promotional material for the “Incredible Inspector”

“The Incredible Inspector” is a short, independent film of the murder mystery/action/ thriller genre, that was completed in January of 2021 and publicly released in June of the same year. It follows the adventures of an elderly but, nonetheless, active, competent, confident and charismatic lead – Inspector Andreev. The film can be viewed online as many times as you’d want to for a mere total of 3 dollars!!! Consider purchasing it through Vimeo:

Official trailer:

1) Official landscape poster

This poster was used as the banner for the official Twitter page of the film, the thumbnail for the trailer and the film’s page on Vimeo!

2) Official portrait poster (Russian)

This poster was used as the film’s promotion for film festivals and Alexander Malinin’s premiere guests.

3) Official portrait poster (English)

This poster was used for Vimeo and most Twitter promotion.

4) Alexander Loskutnykov as the “Incredible” Inspector Andreev

This image was used as a template for most of the posters as well as a standalone image for several tweets. It is a behind the scenes photo from an unsuccessful take.
An image used for Twitter promotion. Zoomed in from a frame in the film.
This image was used for Twitter promotion. It is an image of Alexander Loskutnykov a year after the completion of filming, reuniting with director Alexander Malinin.
This image for used for the display of the film’s cast and crew. It is from a frame in the movie.

Inspector Andreev in car (Behind The Scenes fragment)

Alexander Loskutnykov in grass (Behind the Scenes fragment)

Alexander Loskutnykov’s full interview in regards to his role, several months after the film’s release.

Director Alexander Malinin’s comments on Alexander Loskutnykov’s performance

5) Nadezhda Agafonicova as Tatyana Vasylyevna

Promotional interview: Nadezhda discusses Tatyana Vasylyevna and the bandit she played

Nadezhda as Tatyana (clip from film)

6) Ads for the villains/antagonists

Official promotional image of “The Boss” used for landscape poster

The Boss’s first scene (promotional extract from the film)

The Boss prepares for shooting scene (Behind The Scenes clip)

The Boss and his gang (Behind The Scenes clip)

Behind the scenes image of actresses Nadezhda Agafonicova, Tatyana Lichikaki and Tamara Agafonicova playing the evil crooks.

Another behind the scenes image of the crooks.

Behind the scenes image of Vitaly Malinin and Tatyana Malinina (playing the two villains) preparing to shoot their scene. Used for Twitter promotion.

7) Actors viewing the film

This video was used for promotion on Twitter.

8) Alexander Malinin presents the film

Used on Twitter and Youtube

Used on Twitter

Used on Youtube and Twitter

Used on Youtube and Twitter

Used on Twitter

9) Nadezhda and Alexander Malinin talk

Used on Twitter

10) The official pages

Official Twitter page:

11) Early on set interviews

Used on Twitter

12) Behind The Scenes after scene clips

Used on Twitter

13) The costs of making the film

Video displaying all the money spent on making the film the phenomena it turned out to be

If you have checked everything out and enjoyed what you saw, I ask you… no, I BEG you… please give the film a watch to see the immense level of effort, creativity, fun, finances, resources and time that me and the crew contributed!!!

Thank you, you are all the best and I could not wish for better supporters!!!

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